Meeting a GOM

It has been three years since Murasakibara and I played that game of basketball, and from that moment on Muras love for basketball was ignited. Mura and I have only been training for a bit over a year since dad didn't want us to hurt ourselves, we don't do anything to strenuous we have only been doing light jogs, push ups, stretching and dribbling practice under the supervision of our father. Our father is a kind man with golden hair and gold eyes, his face was so chiseled he look almost heroic.

"Dad you said we could start playing basketball properly when we turn five, can we join in on the under fives basketball comp your holding at work?" I asked my Father with puppy dog eyes " I don't see a problem in that but you will have to convince your mum" , Sanji chuckled with a mischievous smile on his face and a glint in his eyes. As I walked down the hall to the kitchen where my mother was preparing breakfast, I had my own smile on my face "Mhuhahahaha" I burst out laughing like a villain, little did my father know he was going to get beaten by mother later.

Over the years mum had started to become warmer and less distant I would even say dotting, she especially loved to beat father for any reason she could find and I would give her one today.

"Mum, Dad said Mura and I could start playing basketball today" I yelled out happily. "Oh did he know I heard a voice that sent shivers down my spine "I'm sorry Father" I thought to myself "I didn't know she would be this mad". Mum called Father into the study to talk to him, wink, wink. After what I could picture what must have been hell Dad let out one last blood curdling scream and crawled out from the study with tears running down his face.

"ok you two get in the car" he said gloomily. As we arrived at one of the sports complexes Dad owns we were greeted by some of the workers, "hello young masters" they said bowing " Hello Chairman" they said. We continued our walk to the basketball courts, as Mura and I arrived there was only two other kids who were there "I assume the others will be here in a bit" I said turning to Mura, he replied with a nod.

Mura and I started by doings some stretches, jumping jacks short sprints and backwards sprints to warm up our muscles and to avoid injury. during this time a dozen other kids had arrived, I sighed "this is going to be to easy".

We were split into two teams Mura and I were placed on the same team along with three other kids that were about 100cm while the tallest out of them was 109cm. Murasakibara and I towered over them, Mura being 115cm and I 117cm tall. the ref urged us to the middle of the court for a jump ball where I let Mura jump as the ref blew the whistle and threw the ball up, Mura did a light hop and tipped the ball back to me the opposite jumper could only reach part way along Muras arm. "GAME ON" I yelled to boost my teams moral, I dribbled to the opposite sides three point line before slowing down looking for a pass. There was a dark blue hair kid with extremely tan skin waving at me for the ball, "Aomine" I said Internally my lip slanted up things are going to get interesting".

*I have never written a basketball game before so this first one may not be that good but I will try to improve*.