Another nighttime visitor

It must not be the cat as there could be other cats around, right? 

Perhaps because what I heard before I closed my eyes to sleep was the sound of a cat, I dreamt of a cat talking. What dream could be as crazy as mine, right? 

Okay, I know none crazier than that. The dream felt sad and very familiar. It should have been a nightmare because as far as I am concerned, I believe cats are not the ideal animals to see in a dream. I don't even want to see any animals when I go to sleep at night. 

I just want to sleep and have a night's rest void of any dreams at all. So, I think I should be annoyed at the fact that my sweet night's rest was ruined by both the cat I saw on the wall and the one I heard outside my window. 

Staring at the ceiling, I could only wish I don't see any more cats today. I don't want to dream of cats. It will not be funny to dream of smiling and talking to a cat like we have always done.