
Truth or not!

"Larisa Revn. Age - 24. Work – takes order to bully others". 

Cynthia summarized her profession while looking at her phone. It's been days since she has done a back ground check on this girl but only got the opportunity to tell it today. 

"No! you are wrong. I am 22 and I don't work to bully innocent people but those who hurt others". The red-haired girl shouted making herself clear. 


Girls and their problem of hiding their age. Tsk, tsk! 

Cynthia shook her head in a displeased manner and walked down the stairs, and stopped after reaching Larisa, "How about I pay you twice and you go and bully the one who told you to bully this girl?" she pointed back at Lara while looking into Larisa eyes. 

Larisa smirked and crossed her arms while keeping the hockey stick in it, "I don't betray my customer and more when they are innocent. Our policy is to teach the real bullies a lesson so, that they won't harm another person".