

"Who are you, mister?" Cynthia asked and threw her gaze down. 

'I feel dejavu! No, I have felt this dejavu more than once'. She pursed her lips remembering that this incidence has happened more than once after she came back.

Luv Serta who was back with Lavina from aboard looked at her with a smirk. "So, it was true that you have lost your memories. I couldn't believe it remembering what a clever girl you were". 

'Does being clever and amnesia have something to do with each other?' Cynthia was dumbfounded by how she can't relate by those words but one thing she was clear about was the fact that this man knew her. 

Well, that was given or why else he would've given her lift but Cynthia was feeling guilty for her reckless behaviour. She remembered Ed words about how some people were after them. Behaving this recklessly can just take her right to the door of doom.