Am I pregnant? 2

Xing Hospital.

Su Chen entered the office and Ana stood up. ''No, sit down, Ana.'' Su Chen said and Ana sat back.

''Is the results out? Am I… pregnant?'' Ana asked anxiously.

Su Chen smiled and nodded his head. ''That's true, you are indeed three weeks pregnant, Ana. Congratulations.''

Ana smiled and touched her stomach. Her eyes swelled up and she sighed, happily.

Lin Shen's ward…

Ana walked closer to Lin Shen and touched his hand saying. ''Lin Shen, you should wake up. I have good news for you. The doctor just confirmed that I am pregnant. We are going to be parents, Lin Shen. You should wake up and see your baby…''

Ana kissed Lin Shen's hand and smiled. ''I… I missed you so much, Lin Shen.''

The door suddenly opened and Yu Huo walked in. When Ana saw him, she stepped back and held Lin Shen's hand tightly.