That means you will meet again, dummy.

''Just some useless stuff and I said some really mean things to her. I can be careless with words sometimes.''

Leo smiled and turned to look at her. ''So, did you apologize?''

Maya shook her head. ''No, I did not!''

''Why didn't you apologize since you are the one in the wrong?''

''I don't know. I just didn't know how to apologize to her. I wanted to this morning but, that girl just had to poke me in the wrong place this morning.''

''So, it was your pride at work?''

''My pride?'' Maya asked in a surprised tone.

''I have four brothers and I'm the third on. I can't remember the last time we had an argument but, we still have our differences. Sometimes, you don't have to understand the people closer to us; you just have to accept them and not use their weakness against them.''

''I get it; I think I need to go now.'' Maya suddenly stood up.

''Where are you going to?''