First Scenario

It was morning, and the weather was frigid. We got up early and started going into the carriage towards Reinhardt Territory.

Reinhardt is one of the barons of the Kingdom and Holt, Marquis. So why would Holt go on to have a relationship with one of his great heirs to a baron?

Because Harrison felt that Roy felt very lonely. So that's why Harrison sent proposals to many nobles to have Roy's engagement with their girls, but Roy's discussions were so famous that no one wanted to have his girl's relationship with Roy.

One by one, everyone rejected this proposal.

Recently there was a big storm in Reinhardt Territory. The Sole Income Source of Reinhardt Territory is agriculture. Due to such a severe storm, all their farming was ruined. Because of this, they did not even have money to handle their Territory.

Harrison was one of those who believed in noble blood. Those who considered noble blood superior, so a relationship with a commoner other than noble would hurt Harrison's value, so he took advantage of this opportunity by finding Reinhardt Territory in crisis.

Harrison was so impatient that he sent Reinhardt an invitation to marriage rather than an engagement that if he had his daughter in a relationship with Roy, Holt would help him survive their crisis in return.

This proposal was very beneficial for Reinhardt, if they refused this proposal, then their Territory could not be saved, so they had no other choice but to accept it even if they did not want to.

"Roy, keep in mind that Reinhardt is definitely below us, but now they are going to have relationship with us, so don't take Reinhardt too low. Okay?"

Harrison was sitting in front of me in the carriage; he told me to consider Reinhardt not too low but low, which I was not surprised to see. Holt was Marquess, so how can they understand a Baron as their equal even if they will tie the relationship with them.

"And Roy, even though that girl may not speak, she is also of noble blood. And now she will be a part of the Holt too, so don't treat her too dirtily. Are you listening to me?"

Harrison was giving me a lesson which probably should have been a different way of giving, but he was still saying this while maintaining his status.

This was my biggest complaint with the game developers; they deliberately made the heroine that she can't speak to get the people's consent so that the viewer's empathy could be done with the plot.

My friends also did not like this thing, but they compensated for it by putting many romantic moments of hero and heroine. Due to this, the reader forgave the developers by saying that every masterpiece has some flaws or the other.

I am a fragile-hearted person; even small things hurt me deeply, due to which I did not feel like playing that game or watching that anime.

"Don't tell me, I'll treat her according to what she deserves."

I really do not want to open my mouth now. Roy does not even speak to his father with respect but talks to him with pride. The developers may have actually made Roy so that the players' mind in the game is to save the heroine.

"Fine, let's do as you wish."

Harrison used to pour love on Roy. He never used to scold Roy, and Roy treated him in this manner. That's why I didn't like Roy's character even the slightest.

I was looking outside from the carriage, and I was not making eye contact with Harrison's eyes because even if I said something, nothing good words would come out of my mouth, but only dirt would come out.

I just looked outside, looking for my way to reach Reinhardt Territory. I was worried about the ending of the game.

'I will leave Holt Territory before the end of the game.'

When the hero finally comes to save the heroine, I will run away, which I see as the best way to protect myself without disturbing the game's plot.

When I thought of this, my eyes turned to Harrison.

When Roy died at the end of the game, Harrison also got arrested for a crime against the commoner.

Harrison was not such a bad person; he only had the thought of putting the commoner down in him. And just Harrison used to accept all the wrong things of Roy, for which Harrison had to bear the brunt.

'I have nothing to do with Harrison. In the end, I'll just run away pretending to die.'

Harrison smiled slightly at me.

"Roy, now a partner will also join with you, the responsibility will fall on you and you will have to fulfill that responsibility."

"Only my responsibility will be on me, and no one's responsibility will be on me; whoever has to take it, he will take it."

I started looking outside the carriage but didn't know why a guilty feeling came into my heart.

"Okay, okay, fine. You don't have to take any responsibility. That's it."

Harrison had a smile on his face; he looked much happier as if he had really longed for Roy's marriage.

I was starting to feel a little bad seeing this. I did not dare to look back at Harrison and just looked outside.

'Harrison is not my family.'

Roy quietly kept one hand on his face without looking at Harrison. He seemed completely calm from the outside and kept looking at the outside as long as the journey continued.


After traveling for a few hours, our carriage came to a stand in front of a white house, which looked like a hall.

"Roy, it's time to get down, our destination has arrived."

It did not look like someone's house, but it seemed that parties were held here.

"Is Reinhardt's Mansion like this?"

I couldn't see anyone's house from wherever I looked, so all I could ask was Harrison.

"What are you talking about, you think we'll go inside a baron's little house. This is the ceremony hall, we'll go back to our Territory once the engagement is over."

I could not believe Harrison's words; after traveling so much, would we not even take some rest.

The carriage was very comfortable, and we did not face any problems during the whole journey. If I compare our carriage with anything in modern society, it is as if I were sitting in a luxury car.

"Are you tired Roy?"

Harrison looked at me in concern.

"If that's the case, we can probably go to that little house too. You're not tired, are you?"

Harrison was asking me if I was tired, so he would be ready to walk the Reinhardt Mansion. But I also didn't want to create any new trouble.

"Do you think traveling like this can tire me out. "

I also wanted to finish all these things as soon as possible. And by the way, I was not too tired. The journey was very comfortable.

"I already knew that you cannot be tired. You are strong, Roy."

Harrison smiled at me and started praising me. But I really didn't like this thing much. I ignored Harrison's words and started getting down from the carriage.

When we both got down from the carriage, a man of about forty years of age started coming towards us to see us.

"Master Harrison, and maybe you will be Master Roy, welcome both of you to Reinhardt Territory. Hope you don't have too much trouble getting here."

He bowed his head in front of us and started welcoming us, and I knew who was he. He was the heroine's father, Malcolm Reinhardt, Lord of the Reinhardt Territory.

In the game, it was told that he was a very good-hearted person; he thought about the people of his Territory before his family and always tried his best to take the Territory in a brighter direction.

Malcolm welcomed us, but there was no happiness on his face; he looked like he was in sorrow.

"It was difficult, after all, it is such a small territory. We found it after searching a lot and there was mud everywhere, so we had to face difficulties in finding it."

Harrison was talking to Malcolm with a smile, but it seemed from his words that Harrison was making fun of Reinhardt Territory. Malcolm did not feel wrong about this, but he started bowing his head in front of Harrison.

"We are ashamed of all the trouble you have to face because of us. I hope you will forgive us."

Seeing the baron bowing down, Harrison moved his hand here and there.

"Na, Na, what is your fault, I have never come to such a small territory, nor did it cause much trouble. Well let's leave it here and tell me that all the preparations are done?"

Harrison really didn't know how to talk to others. He was practically making fun of Reinhardt's, Malcolm's head was down, but I could see his fists clenched.

And when Harrison asked about the preparation, I noticed that the baron had clenched his fist more tightly.

"Yes, all the preparations have been done; we were just waiting for you to come."

Baron calmly answered Harrison's question, keeping his emotions in check.


Malcolm looked at me as soon as he said this.

"I think you should take some rest too. You have come after a long journey, and maybe even Master Roy must have been tired."

He was asking us to stay at his house for a while and rest, and by the way, he was right; we should have rested, but Harrison did not want it.

"No we don't need rest, Roy and I don't even get rest in such a small house. We will do the rest directly by going to our Territory, now we should get the ceremony started."

A shadow of pride was visible in every word of Harrison. Harrison may not have known that he would have a relationship with his daughter, so he should not talk in this way, but perhaps Harrison did not want to.

"Okay, let's start the ceremony; come in, Master Roy."

Malcolm didn't even urge Harrison to rest much. Malcolm was angry with Harrison's behavior but could not say anything to Harrison.

One reason was that Harrison was the Marquess who held many positions bigger than him. Second, only Harrison will help his Territory, and Malcolm will suffer more if he speaks wrongly.

Malcolm pointed to the recent entrance and asked us to go inside.

"Yes, it would be better if this all ends soon."

Harrison started walking towards the entrance. Malcolm was also following him, but Roy stood in his place. Looking at him, it was as if he was thinking about something to worry about.

'Will everything really be as I imagined it to be.'

I was hesitant to go inside; I was worried about my future. I must have thought that I would run away in the end, but would I really be able to run? I was concerned because my life depended on it; I felt a little scared.

"Roy, why are you standing, hurry up, after all this ceremony is yours, without you this ceremony can't start a little bit, come on."

Seeing me stop, Harrison asked me to come with him.

"Master Roy, do you have any problem, if you have any problem you can tell me. I will try to solve your problem with whatever facilities I have."

Malcolm also got worried seeing me standing. He started asking me if I had any problem, then I should tell him so that he could find some solution.

"I'm absolutely right; you don't need to talk nonsense."

I replied in an arrogant way as usual. Looking at Malcolm, it seemed that he was hurt by my words, and perhaps he did not think of me talking in this way.

I didn't want to hurt Malcolm by saying bad words, so I, too, looked towards the entrance without looking at Malcolm.

"What happened Roy? Why did you stop."

Harrison started asking me as he approached me.

"No, it's just like that."

I was walking inside the entrance with Harrison

"It's okay, let's go inside."

We both started going inwards. But I was feeling very nervous.

'I will run away for sure-'

I took a long breath, gathered some courage, and went inside through the door.

'I will not die; I will live.'

Having fixed this dread in my mind, I made my step to go inside the hall and started moving forward.


The first thing I noticed as soon as I entered the hall was that the hall was completely empty. Neither did Harrison call anyone, nor did Malcolm invite anyone.

Well, why would they even call someone? Harrison was not very friendly with anyone, and Malcolm was doing this marriage not happily but out of compulsion.

In the center of the hall stood a thirty-forty-year-old woman who was the heroine's mother, Beatrice. Standing with her was the legendary hero game heroine, Amelia Reinhardt, and with her was her older brother, Hugh Reinhardt, the heir of the Reinhardt territory.

As soon as we entered the hall, all three started looking at us… no, they looked at me.

Hugh was looking at me angrily as if I was going to be eaten. In the game, Hugh became a member of the Protagonist's party to save Amelia. Basically, he was a supporting character to help the Protagonist.

Amelia was looking at me, but I could see which was not happiness but doubt, fear, and just a little bit of anger in her eyes. But my first reaction was when I first saw Amelia.

'She really deserves to be called a heroine.'

Amelia, as she used to look in the game, now actually looked many times more beautiful. As if a boy sees her, he will be blown away by her beauty. She looked gorgeous in the white pair.

"Roy, come on, you have to go there too."

Seeing me stop, Harrison pushed me from behind, sending me to where Amelia was standing. Malcolm was also standing back, asking me to go there.

At Harrison's behest, I nodded my head and walked toward them.

As soon as I got up on the stage, Beatrice beckoned me to stand with Amelia.

"Master Roy, please stand here."

I stood there where Beatrice pointed, and as soon as I stood up, Beatrice and Hugh got down from the stage. And the man who was standing on the stage in a white cloth came towards us and started saying.

"We are about to start the ceremony; both the bride and the bridegroom get ready."

Amelia was a little hesitant, but she looked at Malcolm and Beatrice, both shaking their heads, indicating to Amelia to get ready.

Hesitantly, Amelia also started looking at the man. I also stood in front of him a little and got ready for the ceremony.

"So now, let's start the ceremony."

After saying this, the man started performing the ceremony.


The time had elapsed since the ceremony began. What was that man saying? I was not able to understand at all.

Beatrice, Malcolm, and Hugh all had tears looking at Amelia, and Harrison looked overjoyed to see me.

"So Bride, Amelia Reinhardt, Do You Accept Roy Holt as your Husband"

The man in white was looking at Amelia and said, Amelia was looking down and nodding her head.

"And bridegroom Roy Holt do you accept Amelia Reinhardt as your Wife."

The man started looking at me.

I was scared to speak a little, but still, I gathered courage and spoke.

"I can"

I do. Even this word did not come out of my mouth. Instead, it also came out in pride.

Amelia's head lowered a bit when she heard my words. She was sad.

"So now bridegroom, make the bride wear ring and then both end this ceremony by completing the oath by kissing each other."

After saying that, Amelia paused, put her hand towards me, and looked at me.

Harrison had already given me a ring. I took the ring out of my pocket, but I could not dare to put the ring on her finger. I was looking at Amelia, holding the ring in my hand.

'How can I put this ring on her hand when I already know that she will be with the Protagonist in the end.'

Seeing me not putting the ring in Amelia's hand, everyone started looking at me in surprise.

"Bridegroom put the ring on the bride's hand."

The man was also asking me to give ring to Amelia.

"What are you doing Roy, put the ring on quickly."

Harrison was also asking me to put the ring on Amelia soon.

'It's essential for the game to start.'

I thought this and grabbed Amelia's hand with my own.

Amelia was also unable to understand why I had stopped.

I took the ring with the other hand and started putting the ring in Amelia's hand.

Just as I was about to put that ring in Amelia's hand, there was the sound of the gate opening very loudly.

"I will not let this marriage happen."

As soon as the door opened, a boy's voice came loudly.

On hearing the sound, everyone's eyes went towards that voice. The source of that voice was a fifteen-year-old boy with blue hair and blue eyes.

"Who's this idiot? Get him out of here soon."

Harrison had become angry because of the stay in the ceremony. But the boy still did not move from his place.

"I'm here to save Amelia and I'm not going anywhere without saving her."

He looked at me angrily with the sword in his hand. Looking at him, Amelia was trying to stop him by shaking her head here and there, but he was not taking the name of stopping then.

"Roy Holt get away from Amelia!"

Saying this angrily, he started coming toward me with a sword. I knew who this guy was. This was the man who would become the hero of the kingdom. This was the man who would kill Roy and save Amelia. The Protagonist of the game legendary hero

'Andrew kart'

The protagonist of Legendary Hero, Amelia's childhood friend, who has been in love with Amelia since childhood. Andrew Cart, a knight's boy.

And at this time, he was moving toward me with a sword. There was anger in his eyes.

"Hold it out quickly, how did this madchild come here?"

Harrison was asking his soldier to capture Andrew. Hugh also ran to Andrew to stop him.

"Andrew, you have lost your mind, get out of here immediately or else I don't even know what will happen to you."

Hugh was scolding Andrew and asking him to run out of the hall.

"Andrew, we will talk to you later, go now or else the consequences can be dire."

Malcolm was also asking him to leave, and Amelia looked at Andrew in fear; maybe she also wanted Andrew to go, but Andrew was not ready to listen to anyone.

"I know this marriage is being forced, you all are sacrificing Amelia for your territory, I will not let this happen."

Andrew took their hand away from his body and started moving towards me again.

"Soldiers, what are you waiting for, grab him."

Harrison was now really furious; the boy had disturbed the engagement ceremony of one of his only child, so why would he not have been angry.

At Harrison's behest, the three-four soldiers Harrison had brought with him caught hold of Andrew and seized his sword, holding both his hands.

"Leave me, I'm not going to leave here without saving Amelia."

He was trying to get rid of his grip on the soldiers, but he could not get rid of his hold from the soldiers.

"Take it away from here and throw it somewhere and keep in mind, you have to show this child what the punishment is for screwing it to the Holt."

Solder bowed his head at Harrison's behest, obeyed him, and started taking Andrew out of the hall.

"Leave me. I will not leave here. I will not leave here without taking Amelia."

But still trying his best to get rid of his grip, Andrew was shaking here and there, but that too was of no use.

The guards seemed to take him out of the gate. When the guards were about to take Andrew out of the gate, only then a voice came from behind.

"leave him"

A thunderous voice came from the stage, and as soon as that voice came, everyone started looking at the person who gave that voice. There was none other than Roy to give that voice.

Amelia also looked at Roy in surprise, and Andrew's eyes were also wide open in shock.

I don't know why but I got down from the stage and started going near Andrew; as soon as I told him, the soldier stopped taking Andrew out and stood where they were.

The Harrison and Reinhardt family were also unable to understand my behavior regarding what I was doing. This scene was an exact scene from the anime, and I felt like someone was controlling my body and mouth at the moment.

I got closer to Andrew.

"You have come here to save this girl, haven't you? So let's give you a chance."

Andrew also could not understand what I meant to say.


"Yes, rejoice that I am giving a chance to an idiot like you."

Andrew was looking at me angrily. And I'm looking at Andrew as if someone looks down on him.

"What do you want?"

Andrew was still looking at me angrily. I had a smile on my face, which would be more correct to call Satan's smile.

"Let's play a game, if you beat me in that game, we'll go back."

Amelia and all who were present, everyone's eyes were wide open; they could not believe my words.

"What, a game?"

But Andrew was still looking into my eyes.

"Come on, you like sword a lot, don't you? So let's play the game of sword, duel."

Harrison disagreed with me.

"Roy, this is not the right time to give this a chance. Get him out. It has disrupted the Holt ceremony. He deserves punishment."

"Master Roy, we cannot break this arrangement, you do not pay attention to its words, He is still a child."

Malcolm was also asking me to take my point back, but this time my body was moving on its own I was unable to understand what was happening.


I looked at Malcolm in anger. As I said this, I looked at Harrison.

"If he has insulted the Holt, then the punishment should also be given in such a way that this idiot does not have any chance of making any mistake in the future."

I turned my gaze back to Andrew after looking at Harrison

"What will I have to do. If this helps me save Amelia, I'll be ready to play this game too."

Andrew looked at me, determined to save Amelia, asking me about the game.

I was looking in front of him with a mocking smile.

"This game is very easy. You just have to shed a drop of blood from any part of my body with your sword, if you do this, you win and we will go away."

Andrew now has a smile on his face after listening to me

"Fine by me."

Looking at Andrew's face, he felt that he had already won.

"But how can I believe that you will leave Amelia if you lose and go away."

Andrew was looking at me with doubt. I started saying a little away from his face with confidence in pride.

"I am an Aristocrat, I am not like you to go back on what I say. These are the words of an Aristocrat."

"Roy, you don't need to do all this, let me throw this out of here. Take the guards out of it."

Harrison was furious and was unable to listen to me.

"Master Roy, Master Harrison is right, you don't need to do all this. Master Harrison, I will take him out, the soldiers don't even need to be told."

Malcolm was about to go to Andrew when Roy's voice came from behind.

"It is necessary."

Everyone started looking at Roy again.

Roy went closer to Andrew and looked into his eyes, and said.

"A weakling should know what happens to him when he tries to become powerful and what happens to him when he enmity with the stronger person than himself."

It was all just the same line of anime. Like the scene in the anime and the words there, the exact words came out of my mouth, and now I was able to control my body.

Harrison agreed as soon as I said it.

"If you just say so, then fine. Guards, leave him, and prepare for the duel of these two. This boy must be punished."

At Harrison's behest, the guards bowed their heads to prepare for the duel, obeying Harrison and leaving Andrew.

"This will be the biggest mistake of your life, Roy Holt."

Andrew had said these words at the end, then he too went outside to prepare for the duel.


We had come out of the hall to an open field. Amelia was hugging Beatrice, and she was telling Beatrice to stop all this, and her eyes were watering.

Malcolm was standing beside Harrison; his face was also worried. Harrison's eyes were on the ground, towards Andrew and me.

"So it will be a duel between Andrew Kart and Roy Holt. Whoever first shed even a drop of blood from the body of another will be considered victorious."

Hugh was standing between Andrew and me as the referee, and he was explaining the rules of the duels.

"Both can use weapons in it, but they cannot hit each other on vitals, so that the other may die."

As soon as he said this, Hugh looked at Andrew and me.

"Do you both accept all these conditions?"

Hugh looked at Andrew first. Andrew tightened his grip on his sword.

"Fine by me."

Hugh looked at me after Andrew answered.

I didn't know why I said all that. But those exact words were spoken by Roy in the game. So if I think about it, I believe that all this can happen when a game event is triggered.

Andrew was looking at me with complete confidence with his sword in his hand as if he had faith in his ability that he was going to win.

From here, the game begins, that is, for Andrew to become the hero. The event itself changes Andrew's life when Roy defeats Andrew.

My eyes went to Amelia, and she was seen asking Beatrice to stop this duel. Beatrice hugged Amelia tightly as she was unable to stop this duel.

Now I have to burn Andrew's heart to get the strength so that he can start searching for power and become the Protagonist of the legend hero.

Going by the game at this time, Roy will be much more powerful than Andrew; Roy will have no problem defeating Andrew. So that's why I have to kindle the fire inside Andrew to save Amelia. Which is the villain… that is my job.

"Do you accept this condition?"

Seeing me not speaking, Hugh began to ask again. Consolidating my spirits, I looked at Andrew as I tightened my grip on my sword a little.

"Rejoice that today you have got a chance to be beaten by Roy Holt, you are very fortunate indeed."

As I said this, Andrew looked at me in anger.

"To consider me weak will be the biggest mistake of your life."

He started saying in anger by pointing his sword toward me.

Hugh raised his hand as I said it.

"Okay then this dual starts now"
