"Quick cuts. One. Two. Three" Vesemir said, Geralt followed, he drew his steel weapon out and advanced onto Vesemir. He attacked, striking straight for him, blocked by the older Witchers sword, again and again, the last hit directly struck after a spin around. "Strong strikes, now. Give it all you got!" Vesemir said, Geralt let out a small breath, he could hear everything around him, the clinging and clanging of the other witchers swords, their grunts and sighs as the sparred. "Never lock your elbow when striking, young lady!" He heard behind vesemirs back. "Dodge!" He was drawn back to Vesemir as he shouted, he waited. Sword held in front of him as the two walked back and forth. Waiting for the other to attack. "Position, Ciri! Footwork! Remember!" Geralt said as he saw her attacking the dummy. He saw Vesemir coming towards him, he went straight for him. A quick attack with the steel blade. He swung his weapon into Vesemirs as Geralt quickly jumped to the side, a brief clanging of swords as Vesemir stumbled forward, he regained his footing fast, sword held with both hands, poised outwards from his chest. He held his sword up and held it there for a moment before swinging it down diagonally, the air rushing around the blade making a cutting sound, one right past Geralt's left knee as he dodged just in time to the side. He rolled a few times. Continuing to dodge his mentors attacks. All the while keeping an eye on Ciri's progress. He chuckled as he briefly looked at the other two, Lambert and Eskel, they were in close proximity to one another. "Think I'm training Ciri tomorrow. She's likely to be more of a challenge" he teased to the other Witcher. "Now - Parrying. Ciri. See how Geralt holds his sword? It's angle?" They said. "what am I supposed to parry?" Ciri replied. Only just heard by Geralt through the swords clashing with Vesemir, Parrying his blows. He held the blade horizontally across his chest. Protecting his chest from attack. His wrist in a position able to quickly twist the blade and defend himself, his Witcher reflexes allowing himself to do so very fast. Vesemir attacked Geralt, attacking him, he parried the attack quickly and counterattacked him, slamming his elbow into vesemirs chest, making the old man stumble back and take a moment to breathe. Vesemir huffed. "Now, young lady, to bring the day to a close, we'll go over a few Witcher's signs. Let's start with Quen."
Quen is the sign used as a protective shield to the summoner. "Ciri, Quen is sometimes called the Witchers shield. Now watch carefully to see why" Vesemir said, Geralt waiting for him to attack once again. He struck, and he was barely moved by the blade. The Quen sign protects you against damage and certain critical effects. "cast Igni, Geralt. I wanna see sparks fly!" Vesemir said, standing closely to Vesemir, this sign of course dealt fire damage. He pointed his fingertips towards Vesemir, thrusting his hand outwards. The flames flailing around the protective shield that Vesemir had activated. "see? If not for the Quen sign. I'd be aflame by now." Vesemir said. "Aard. Geralt. Come on!" He said. Wanting Ciri to see each one. Telekinetic blast. Geralt immediately dodged out of the way of an attack, quickly stepping up and casting Aard, blowing back Vesemir. "See that, Ciri? Aard with knock anyone or anything off balance, destroy their rhythm." He said as he wavered in place, trying to find a step to steady himself. "Time for Axii. Dammit. I hate this feeling..." Vesemir groaned, Geralt rather liked this sign. He used it a lot. And imagined he would in the future. So he was glad to cast it again, of course, this sign influences an opponents mind. He thrust his hand outwards to Vesemir and cast the sign, he stopped and stumbled around. Almost falling over. "Ugh...Axii can really muddle your mind." He grunted. He attacked Vesemir a few more times, much easier than the previous times with Vesemir now being incapacitated briefly. "Yrden, now. Show her. Geralt." A magic trap. Geralt cast the sign quickly. Vesemir getting closer. He pointed to the ground and cast it, a circle of purple lights surrounding both if them. "see this. Ciri? Couldn't move if I wanted to."
"Throw a bomb! Don't worry, Ciri, Quen'll dampen the blow." Vesemir said loudly as Geralt equipped the training bombs. He walked over to the broken wooden cart that lay along the cobblestone. He gripped the bomb in hand and aimed at one of the training dummies up higher off the ground. Raising his arm quickly and throwing it at the wooden beam, where it exploded upon impact. "Fine, enough. Continue training at will!" Vesemir said as Geralt sheathed his sword. Geralt and Vesemir both turned to look at Ciri, who yet again. Was still doing flips and turns as though she was in the circus, she swung her sword in an upwards arc, catching the edge of the black helmet With wings on, sending it flying over the stone wall and out of sight. "Hah!" Ciri yelled triumphantly.
Geralt along with Vesemir looked at Ciri with a look that didn't quite match her enthusiasm. She frowned and threw her sword on the ground, before running off in the direction the helmet had just flown off in. "Wish! You really showed him, kid!" Lambert said, motioning with his sword. Geralt looked up at the stone wall hearing a few things croaking under the weight of Ciri climbing it. "Ciri. Get down here!" He said calmly, she didn't listen, hauled herself up onto the wooden slats of the shelter roof and continued to go further. "Huh, the little she-devil." Vesemir commented getting Geralt's attention. "Soon as she's back, we'll set her to polishing all the swords at Kaer Morhen." He said making Geralt smile a little.
"Find that helmet?" Geralt asked looking towards the wooden shelter Ciri had climbed up but moments ago. There was no answer. Stopping a few feet before the stone wall. "Ciri?!" He let out a frustrated groan and put his hands on his hips. "Ugh, I'll make sure to find every last blade for you!"
Geralt stood still, turning his head to look at the training dummy. He narrowed his eyes, lips closing before walking over to the dummy, something wasn't right. He could smell it. He walked over to the front of the dummy. The cloth ripped where Ciri's blade had struck it. The tip of the cut cloth flapping gently in the wind. But that wasn't the odd thing, that would be the dark red colour soaking where the cut was. "what the...?" He asked turning around quickly, looking to the two witchers who stood talking to one another. He reached a hand slowly to the head of the dummy, hesitating slightly, hand shaking a little as he grabbed the flapping cloth. He yanked it down and took a step back, it wasn't a dummy, at least not fully. It was a head. A severed head, from what Geralt could see. The blood covering the heads brow and eye. Geralt stepped back with a full snow falling around him. "Vesemir!" Geralt called out. He turned around and his eyes grew wide at what he saw.
A gurgled voice came from the man before him. The wild Hunt. "I've long awaited this, and you. White Wolf." He watched as one of the members of the wild Hunt swung his giant sword the the image of Ciri. "Noooo!!" Geralt yelled.