The Finale(three)

On the internet, people were praying for Jiang Yao to win because she was the contestant whose points were higher than others by one or two points. They couldn't understand why the Queen fell so pathetically. They knew that praying for her to win at this moment was like praying for a cricket team to win who needed a hundred runs in an over. Maybe, Jiang Yao had won by the votes of the audience that was filled with her fans but her fans lost their confidence in her performance and they joined another fandom. 

Twinkle's fandom was increasing at a tremendous speed. Her followers increased a hundredfold in a matter of minutes after her videos went viral. What she did on the stage of a beauty pageant was legendary.

After Chen Jia's turn, it was An Xiulan's turn. She bowed at the judges and audience in greeting and said a few words. The judge who asked her the question was the former winner of Miss China. She was currently married and had a baby with her husband.