
An Xiulan was lying on Han Zixin's lap when she was seeing the pink-colored clouds in the sky and in front of them were the endless field of flowers. He was softly caressing her hair while she was staring at the beautiful view of the sky. 

"Do this, "An Xiulan said as she made him lightly pat her forehead. It felt so relaxing this way to stay like this. If it was up to her, she would just fall asleep here in his arms. 

"As my queen says, "Han Zixin said and she smiled shyly at him. 

"Can I ask you a question?" An Xiulan asked him. 

"Hmm, "Han Zixin responded while he waited for her to ask the question. 

"What would you do if you had a secret that you could not tell anyone?" An Xiulan asked him. 

An Xiulan had a secret that she could not tell anyone. It was a secret that she could not admit to herself. What if she even said it out loud to herself and everything would be undone? Could she take this risk?