
Ezra was still looking at him in surprise. "I cannot believe that you do not know the cause of your tension."

Adwin took a deep breath and looked at him." Don't think too much, if there was anything wrong, I would have told you"

Ezra was about to say something when Adwin's mobile started ringing, so Adwin picked up his mobile and started looking at the number on it. He was surprised for a moment when he saw Ainsley's number because Ainsley hadn't spoken to him for the whole last month. He kept looking at the mobile phone for a few moments. He also looked a little worried.

Ezra looked at him in surprise for a moment. "Who's calling?" he asked quizzically.

But even after asking him two or three times, Adwin did not give any answer. It seems like he was lost in some thoughts. Then Ezra put his hand on his shoulder and shook him, so he looked at Ezra in shock.

"How long have I been talking to you but you are not answering, where are you lost? And your phone is ringing," he said, looking at him in surprise.

Edwin immediately looked at the mobile and picked up the call and got up and went to the terrace of his room.

As soon as he went to the terrace, Ezra realized that it was Ainsley's call. "Finally, after one month, they started talking again," he said to himself in a low voice and got up to leave the room.


"Do I know you?" Adwin asked in a questioning manner. He seemed angry, but still, he talked in a polite way.

Hearing this, Ainsley took a deep breath. How could she forget the actions of her past life? Everything was fresh in her mind. She remembered when she and Adwin had a fight over something and she didn't even talk to Adwin for a long time, for almost a year. Even though Adwin had tried hard to convince her but she had become extremely stubborn at that time.

"Won't you forgive me,..." she said in a low voice with embarrassment.

Hearing this, he was slightly startled and stood silent for a few moments as he could not believe his ears.

"Will you say again what you said?" He asked in a questioning manner. He just wanted to believe.

"I am sorry... I know that was my fault and you were telling me right... Will you forgive me?" she asked slowly in a questioning manner.

After hearing this again, he was speechless for a long moment and then said "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly in a questioning tone. That was all he said.

Hearing this, Ainsley was surprised for a moment and then took a deep breath after understanding his meaning. "I am saying that I am ashamed, and now you are making me more ashamed by saying such things, Of course I am absolutely alright," she said bluntly. Her tone was a little sullen, just like she used to be before a fight to get him on her point to agree with her.

Adwin smiled slightly at her tone. "Alright, alright I'm not angry anymore, but tell me one thing, where did you suddenly get the idea of apologizing?" Ainsley's apology is not a little thing, after all, that is why he still can't believe his ears.

Ainsley took a deep breath and was silent for a few moments. What would she say to him? That she had died and when she woke up again she had already come back in time? Because of that, she realized her previous life's mistakes.

But when she spoke, "I don't want to lose my childhood friend over petty fights." that's all she said. Her voice and tone were sincere.

Adwin became silent for a few moments after hearing this. Ainsley seemed quite changed to him today. But after hearing her words, he felt strangely happy. Adwin remained silent for a long time because he had no words left to say, but Ainsley felt that he was still angry with her.

"Listen, if you are still angry with me, tell me how I can convince you to forgive me," she immediately said. She wanted to make up for her past mistakes at any cost.

Adwin smiled a little uncontrollably. And then he immediately spoke. "Ainsley! Why do you think I'm still angry with you? You were not talking to me, and I tried a lot to convince you,... But of course, an angry person doesn't listen to anyone." at last, he said jokingly to lighten the atmosphere.

After listening to him, she remained silent for a few moments and then immediately spoke. "Can we spend today's whole day together?"

Adwin was surprised for a moment after hearing her words. "The whole day?" He asked in a questioning tone.

"Yes, if you don't mind,"

Adwin thought she was joking. "You're not kidding me?" He couldn't believe it.

"Not at all, why do you think so?" she asked questioningly.

He smiled like a child. "Leave it all, when will I come?" He hesitated and said immediately. He wanted to be there right away. He wanted to talk to her a lot. He wanted to tell her how much he had missed her. He was surprisingly happy.

"If you are not busy, why not now? And if you are busy, then when you are free... " She was just saying that he spoke immediately in the middle.

"I'm not busy at all, I'm just getting out of here, okay?" He didn't want to waste this opportunity. He did not even know how happy he was at that time.

"Okay," she said with a smile and then hung up. After hanging up, she took a deep breath. She looked quite happy and why wouldn't she be happy? Finally, she reconciled with her friend who was sincere and good to her in both lives without any bad intentions.

And in this life, she wanted to give this friendship a new form, in the form of a new relationship. But there was still time. But she had to start from somewhere.
