
Bai Hua Palace.

Peacock Beast Saint recovered each and every Beast Saint corpses, together with Blade Emperor's corpse and flew towards humanity's frontline. However before she recovered their corpses, Wang Li made sure to extract a Shadow Soldier from each of them. He now had a few Saint level Shadow Soldiers but he didn't use it on the dragonewt.

Wang Li then used Shadow Exchange to go to Gong Sun Zhi who had already been treated by his Shadow Clone.

"Thank you for saving me, Shadow Sword Saint."

Wang Li paused for a moment, then said: "Its fine. Sorry for being late."

Wang Li talked with him for a few minutes before telling him to wait infront of the Bai Hua Gate to wait for his subordinate. He then went towards Ning Yue Xi who had also been healed by Wang Li using the upgraded Mystic Palm Technique he got from Sasuke 3 years ago.

Both of them looked at each other in silence. After some time Wang Li started feeling awkward due to the silence until Ning Yue Xi suddenly hugged him. Wang Li was dazed for a second before hugging her back and wondering why she suddenly hugged him.

Ning Yue Xi suddenly said: "I have decided."

"On what?" Wang Li asked

"I will choose you as my Dao Partner."

Wang Li was shocked at her straightforwardness. It isn't that he never entertained the thought of having a Dao Partner since over the years he was asked this by many women but he turned all of them down politely since he didn't know them that well. After becoming a Saint this wish of having a Dao Partner (girlfriend) was even further.

Ning Yue Xi asked after seeing him silent: "Are you not willing."

"Ah, its not that but rather, are you really alright with that? I thought you hated Sword Cultivators."

Ning Yue Xi looked at him as if he was a fool and said: "Will you accept or not?"

"I would be a fool if I didn't." Wang Li immediately replied.

Ning Yue Xi was pleased and happy. Wang Li was as well when suddenly a few line of texts appeared infront of him.

[Detected Guild Master has finally gotten a Dao Partner.]

'Oi what do you mean finally? Are you mocking me?'

Alas the UI seemed to be ignoring him and continued.

[Guild Master can invite his Dao Partner to the chat as a Guild Mistress and have the same privileges as the Guild Master except for those that affect other members.]

[Do you accept?]

In Wang Li's eyes only a fool would reject this. He immediately decided to accept what the UI said.

"Xi, in a while a glowing box with words will appear infront of you. Tell me what it says."

Ning Yue Xi was confused at first but then was startled when a box appeared infront of her.

"It says you have been invited as a Guild Mistress. Do you want to accept?"

"Ok then press Yes."

['Heaven's Limit Saintess' has joined the guild.]

[Tony is Rich: "oh a new member. Welcome."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Welcome. @Wang Li Guild Master do you know who she is? Is she your girlfriend since she has the Guild Mistress tag?"

Wang Li: "Yes she is my girlfriend."]

The chat was silent for a second before the chat was a complete mess.

[Tony is Rich: "Impossible! Guild Leader has a girlfriend. No way."

Wang Li "Do you love being banned, Tony?"

Tony is Rich: "I only speak the truth."

Wang Li: "Oh is that so."

Tony is Rich has been banned for 10 minutes

Wang Li: "I hope you continue preaching the truth."]

"Li what is this?" Ning Yue Xi asked with confusion and shock.

"Ah! Where should I start."

Wang Li then tried to explain everything in a simple way for Ning Yue Xi which was easier since he released smart phones in this world already. Ning Yue Xi looked at him with shock and awe which inflated Wang Li's ego.

"Gong Sun Zhi is waiting for you at the gate so we should hurry there. I will explain more in the chat."

Wang Li teleported along side Ning Yue Xi to the Bai Hua Gate. Gong Sun Zhi and his subordinate Leng Tian Xing were talking with Gu Qing Shan.

"It all thanks to General Sun Zhi not wanting me to die right there and sent me away that I was able to do what I did" Gu Qing Shan said.

"I guess that's called you get what you give huh?" Gong Sun Zhi smiled.

"Yes, you get what you give indeed" Gu Qing Shan also smiled.

"We'll have to return to the frontline immediately, everyone is waiting for our report on the matter" Gong Sun Zhi said.

Then he gave a communication talisman to Gu Qing Shan.

"Contact me anytime you need" Gong Sun Zhi said.

"I still don't have my own communication talisman yet" Gu Qing Shan explained.

"No worries, you had better work hard on your cultivation, the next time we meet, I hope to see you much stronger than you are now" Gong Sun Zhi patted his shoulder.

Leng Tian Xing also walked forward and patted his shoulder.

The two then saw Wang Li, clasped their fists and bowed. Wang Li greeted them then looked at Gu Qing Shan with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, junior brother. I am your Second Senior Brother, Wang Li."

"Greetings Second Senior Brother."

Gu Qing Shan seemed really happy. Wang Li didn't know why he seemed so happy but it wasn't difficult to come up with a reason for this. Wang Li and Gu Qing Shan probably had quite a close friendship in Gu Qing Shan's previous life. Since Gu Qing Shan travelled back in time then that could only mean that either Wang Li wasn't reincarnated, or was without his memories. Either way he 100% didn't have the Omniverse Chat Guild or else Gu Qing Shan would not be here.

However the past is the past so Wang Li had no interest in knowing. While Wang Li was pondering over this, everyone noticed that Wang Li and Ning Yue Xi held each others hands and immediately realized the implications of this act and started congratulating the two. Wang Li was happy and bid them farewell. Wang Li and Gu Qing Shan just started small talk while walking towards Bai Hua Palace.

Then they returned to Bai Hua Palace. Only to see a white goose standing in the main palace.

Gu Qing Shan was puzzled.

Isn't this one of Bai Hua Fairy's clones?

Then he heard Bai Hua Fairy's voice from the ten thousand flowers throne, saying: "Qing Shan my disciple, come greet your first brother, Bai Ying Tian. You have already met your Second Brother, Li."

Gu Qing Shan was speechless. Bai Hua Fairy actually split one of her clones to become her first disciple. Right now, Gu Qing Shan really wants to know, just how goes on in Bai Hua Fairy's head. When Wang Li saw Gu Qing Shan's reaction he immediately knew what he was thinking since Wang Li had a similar expression as well his first time.

Of course, Gu Qing Shan wouldn't say it out loud, only clasped his hand and bowed to the white good: "Before, at the green rock, I still have to thank big brother goose for letting me through, thank you"

White Goose just smiled.

On her throne, Bai Hua Fairy explained: "You have three senior brothers, and one ——–let's say junior sister, I'll officially accept both of you into the sect today"

As they spoke, two people walked into Bai Hua Palace one after another. The male seems to be a bit older than him, while the female was only 7-8 years old, basically a child.

The male was quite handsome, or you could even call him pretty, in his hand was a jade fan and wore a bright belt around his waist, truly an elegant person, enough that you'd mistake him for a girl wearing men's clothes.

While the little girl looked like she was carved from jade, with a big curious pair of eyes and twin tails, she had the shyness and nervousness of someone that suddenly met a stranger, making her very cute and lovable.

The male walked forward first, circled around Gu Qing Shan once and breathed out.

He said: "Seems like in our Bai Hua sect, I'm still number one in good looks"

"Peh! You? You sure can talk with that girly appearance" the goose Bai Ying Tian scoffed at him.

As he heard the goose say that, his face twitched a bit, but ignored it and patted Gu Qing Shan on his back, saying: "Junior brother, I'm Qin Xiao Lou ———- Xiao Lou from 'Xiao Lou Yi Ye Ting Chun Yu'"

The white goose interrupted him: "That's right, swindle everywhere, lying to steal the ladies' hearts, that's why he's the Lou from Yi Hong Lou"

Qin Xiao Lou got angry, turned to the ten thousand flowers throne and bowed: "Shifu, junior brother had just come and first brother has already ruined my stage, he's bullying me in front of you"

Bai Hua Fairy simply ignored him and said to Gu Qing Shan: "This is your third brother, Qin Xiao Lou, he has his flaws here and there, but he's extremely smart, well versed in all of the 6 arts"

Gu Qing Shan looked at Qin Xiao Lou and clasped his hand: "I'm Gu Qing Shan, first time meeting second brother"

Qin Xiao Lou breathed angrily, saying to him: "Junior brother Gu, from now on, let us be good brothers, ignore first brother"

Seeing him like this, Gu Qing Shan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Saint, this is my junior brother?" a timid voice was heard.

As Gu Qing Shan turned to look, it was the little girl that asked that. He could see the expectations in her eyes, occasionally peeking a glance at Gu Qing Shan.

The white goose flew over and consoled her: "You can't be a senior sister yet, he's your senior brother, my 4th junior brother"

Sure enough, Bai Hua Fairy also spoke: "Xiu Xiu, before I've not officially accepted you as my disciple yet, and you're the youngest, so today I will welcome both you and Gu Qing Shan into our sect, with you being the last"

She then spoke softly: "This way, they can all take care of you"

After hearing the later part of what she said the look of disappointment on Xiu Xiu's face disappeared, instead turned into a happy 'yes'. Bai Hua Fairy waved her hand, as two small jade cards floated in front of Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu.

"Congratulation Xiu Xiu."

Wang Li smiled while patting her head. Xiu Xiu also smiled happily since she was probably looking forward to this. Looking at the jade cards, Wang Li could see on them were the two words, "Shan" and "Xiu" respectively.

"The jade card is the proof of your status, with that jade card, there's nowhere that you cannot go in this Bai Hua Immortal country and Bai Hua Palace" Bai Hua Fairy smiled softly.

"Our sect has so few people so there aren't any rules to talk about, you can all cultivate as you like, if there is anything you don't understand you can always ask your first, second or third brother, if they can't explain it, you can even come ask me"



Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu took their respective jade cards.

Bai Hua Fairy then ordered: "Bai Ying Tian, from today Xiu Xiu and Qing Shan will officially live in our sect, go prepare their accommodations"

"Yes Shifu"

The white goose spoke, then flew away.

"Hopeless disciple" Bai Hua Fairy spoke again.

"Yes Shifu" Qin Xiao Lou bowed and looked down.

"You can take Qing Shan around for a tour first, explain our sect's situation, in the afternoon you'll replace your first brother, go to the green rock to pick people to attempt Bai Hua lists"

"Yes" Qin Xiao Lou said.

"Qing Shan, Xiu Xiu, tomorrow you two can begin your cultivation, it's almost time for the semester examination already, when that time comes, the two of you will both go to see the other cultivators of the land. Li, since Qing Shan has that sword I will leave helping him to you."

"Yes Shifu."

"Go, you can leave now"

Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu both bowed: "Yes"

The four of them left Bai Hua Palace.

Walking on the road paved with white jade, Qin Xiao Lou rubbed his stomach and suddenly said: "I'm a bit hungry"

Xiu Xiu's eyes lit up, and both Wang Li and Gu Qing Shan held a bit of expectation.

Xiu Xiu asked with a soft voice: "Third brother, what do we eat today?"

Qin Xiao Lou looked at her a bit, then at Gu Qing Shan, then said: "Ok, since first brother isn't here, and today is both of your happy day, we'll have some roasted goose"

Gu Qing Shan suddenly understood why Bai Hua Fairy called him "hopeless disciple".

"No, no, no" Xiu Xiu's angry face became red: "What you do mean our happy day, also, if you dare to cook roasted goose, I'll tell first brother"

"No don't, don't tell him, junior sister Xiu Xiu" Qin Xiao Lou panicked.

Gu Qing Shan suggested: "I heard that Bai Hua Immortal country's spirit flowers and spirit herbs are highly desirable everywhere, can we have a vegetarian meal today?"

Qin Xiao Lou 'hoh' in surprise, then said: "Seems like junior brother has done his homework, my vegetarian meals are the best in the world you know"

"Ok then" he thought for a bit "We can use the Cloud ship, just outside Bai Hua country, around Cang Shan sect's territory, there's a Yi Hong Lou there, we can listen to the songs, as well as ——–"

Xiu Xiu glared at him strictly while Wang Li laughed at his anatics.

Qin Xiao Lou immediately changed his words: "Hm, or maybe we won't go there, let's instead go to the Bai Gie Temple on South Street, they have ready-made vegetarian ingredients there"

However, he secretly blinked a few times at Gu Qing Shan, hinting that there will be more chances from now on.

'As free spirited as always.'

The three of them left the palace and went to Bai Gie Temple in the South. While Qin Xiao Lou was busying preparing the meal, Xiu Xiu wasn't too familiar with Gu Qing Shan yet, so she was a bit shy, stood up and walked around looking at the Buddha statues while talking to Wang Li. While they were talking, Wang Li heard Qin Xiao Luo and Gu Qing Shan talk.

"What are you thinking about that so deeply that you'd frown?" Qin Xiao Lou set out the plates on the table and asked.

"Ah, I was thinking of where to get some monster body parts" Gu Qing Shan answered.

Qin Xiao Lou face turned serious, then said: "I'll give you some advice, those things don't taste very good"

From the way he said it, it seems he has already tried.

Gu Qing Shan felt a chill and quickly explained: "Not for eating, I was going to use them for something else"

Qin Xiao Lou then laughed and said: "I was wondering why you looked so worried, it seems like you haven't understood what your status means"

"Status?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"That's right" Qin Xiao Lou stuck his chest out, saying: "You're a part of Bai Hua sect, direct disciple of one of the four Saints and the junior brother of another one of the 4 Saints, the entire Bai Hua Immortal country belongs to your Shifu, what kind of cultivation resources could you possibly want that you can't get?"

He then continued: "I'm managing about half the treasuries, after lunch I'll bring you there ——–you can take as much as you can carry"

Gu Qing Shan: "Shifu won't say anything?"

Qin Xiao Lou turned around and looked at him again: "She won't mind, just take whatever you like, as long as you don't make her lose face during the semester examination"

Gu Qing Shan understood, saying: "Naturally"

"Is the semester examinations hard?" Xiu Xiu's voice was heard.