Overseeing Breakthrough

Shadow Hall

In the dark of night, Wang Li returned.

He started meditating for 2 hours before going to bed to rest. Just before sleeping he felt his Shadow Soldier in Gu Qing Shan's shadow being far away in space before returning to its original position. Wang Li ignored this and went to sleep.

Dawn comes.

A communication tag flew into Shadow Hall.

"Junior brother Li. Junior Brother Gu is about to breakthrough." The white goose's voice was heard.

"Ahh ok, Ill be there."

Wang Li changed his clothes and went to the Bai Hua Palace. Breakfast is eaten in the main hall of Bai Hua Palace. This is the place where Bai Hua Fairy deal with all matters big and small, but it's also where the entire Bai Hua sect go to have their breakfast.

By the time he arrived he heard Qin Xiao Luo's voice.

"Where's Shifu?" Qin Xiao Lou asked.

"There's some important business at the frontline, so Tianzun and Great Monk are both there, Shifu also left just this morning" Xiu Xiu said.

"A! So Shifu isn't here!" Qin Xiao Lou's eyes glowed.

"That's great, I've eaten so much of this kind of stupid flower that my mouth is bland"

As Qin Xiao Lou said that, he put all the flowers in his bowl into Xiu Xiu's. Then he tapped his Inventory Bag, taking out a long metal skewer, then some firewood, and then spices. And finally a skinned and washed two-horned spirit goat.

"Eating this in the morning, wouldn't it be a bit hard to digest?" Gu Qing Shan asked

"If you won't eat, you're free to not help me" Qin Xiao Lou looked back down as he rubbed spices onto the goat.

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit, then decided to help.

"Eating this in the morning isn't good for your stomach" white goose said.

"If you won't eat, you're free to not help me" Qin Xiao Lou looked back down, rubbed more spices onto the goat.

White goose thought for a bit, then swung his wings, arranging the firewood neatly for grilling, even the fire was already lit.

Wang Li entered and said: "I want the goat's legs, Xiao Luo."

Xiu Xiu chewed on her flower and muttered: "I want a goat's thigh, third brother"

Qin Xiao Lou is known for being an expert at all the 6 arts, but if you had to pick one as his best, it would have to be his cooking skills. Each and every one of his dishes leave lasting impression, enough that as long as people know he'll be cooking, no one would miss it for anything.

A bit later

Four people and a goose laid flat on the Bai Hua Palace floor, unmoving. They all ate too much.

"Xiao Lou, Qing Shan is about to breakthrough" white goose suddenly mentioned.

"Hm, that's a good thing, but I can't move right now, I think he's also like that" Qin Xiao Lou said as he picked his teeth with a toothpick.

"Eating too much just before a breakthrough is troublesome." Wang Li said

"We'll discuss it first" white goose said

"Ok, let me think for a bit" Qin Xiao Lou answered.

As they heard that, everyone left him alone and waited for his answer. After a few moments, they heard a snoring sound. White goose jumped up, kicking Qin Xiao Lou right on his face.


A cry of agony. A while later, four people and a goose was sitting in a circle.

"Breaking through a realm really is dangerous indeed, I think we'll need to use some formation, plus first and second brother have to be there ready to protect you to ensure safety"

Qin Xiao Lou seriously spoke with a face swollen like a meat bun.

"What about the method of breaking through?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"You don't need to worry about that, I'll go prepare it" white goose said as he flapped his wings and flew away.

"I'll be here to cheer for you" Xiu Xiu shook her little fists and said.

"Thank you, junior sister" Gu Qing Shan smiled to Xiu Xiu.

"Don't stress over the breakthrough. I'll be there to stop it if anything bad happens." Wang Li smiled and said.

Breaking through a realm is very serious business, enough to mobilize the entire Bai Hua sect.

——–although they only had 5 people in total.

By noon, everything was ready

White goose carried a jade tag in his mouth, giving it to Gu Qing Shan.

"This is the method, it can ensure your soul vessel will not dissipate, even if you fail to breakthrough you won't lose your life. But you absolutely must fully comprehend it before attempting to breakthrough" white goose very solemnly said

"I will, thank you first brother"

Seeing Gu Qing Shan sitting crossed legged to 'understand' the cultivation technique everyone started preparing.

"First brother, I'll need a big-sized pill furnace that's at least 200 years old" Qin Xiao Lou then seriously started speaking.

"How big?" white goose ask

"Hm, it have to be at least as big as a person" Qin Xiao Lou thought and answered.

"Very well, I'll check the treasury" white goose left again.

"Third brother, what can I do?" Xiu Xiu couldn't just stand still, and asked.

"Xiu Xiu, you go to Shifu's place and get me one Dragon's Tear flower"

"Ok" Xiu Xiu fleetingly left.

"Second brother, I need your help in divining with greater accuracy." Qin Xiao Luo asked

"Ok lets begin."

Qin Xiao Lou held up his hand and began to quickly count on his fingers. Wang Li assisted by assisting in accuracy.

After a bit, he muttered: "3 PM is a suitable time to breakthrough."

Wang Li continued: "But it's usually used for beheading, junior brother might not like it, I'll have to find another time..."

While Qin Xiao Lou and Wang Li were calculating with Divination, a large sound was heard inside Bai Hua palace. A pill furnace that's 3-person tall dropped inside the hall, staggering a bit before standing up straight.

White goose landed on top, checking it again.

"Hm, it hasn't been used for quite long, but seems like there won't be any problems" white goose said with satisfaction.

Qin Xiao Lou and Wang Li must not have heard it, as he was still muttering, calculating. After finishing, he took out a formation plate and began to arrange formations all around the pill furnace.

"Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water, Spirit Funnel"

"Wood spirits turns Water, Soul Nurturing"

He arranged formations one after another, only after a while did he wipe the sweat off his forehead and ordered white goose: "Help me a bit, go to the treasury and find me 9 kinds of forging materials"

"I'll be back right away" white goose just accepted and flew away.

Meanwhile Wang Li started placing a few Fuinjutsu seals that nourish and protect the soul.

Xiu Xiu hugged a bundle of flowers in her hands, breathing heavily as she said: "Third brother, I'm back"

As Qin Xiao Lou saw, he face palmed: "I told you to bring back one flower, why did you bring a whole bundle?"

"I was afraid one wouldn't be enough for fourth brother" Xiu Xiu smiled, embarrassed.

"Ok, when Shifu comes back, if she says anything then just tell her I picked them" Qin Xiao Lou said.

"Ah, are these very valuable?"

"No no, Xiu Xiu, there's no problem, I was just afraid that Shifu might be stingy"

White goose came back just in time to hear that, his eyes squinted. Gu Qing Shan acted like he was meditating, but he silently paid attention to everything happening in the hall, as he deeply imprints the sight of them busy helping him prepare in his mind.

Two hours later.

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the 3-person tall pill furnace, and became speechless.

"Second and Third brother, don't tell me you two want to turn me into a pill?"

"What nonsense are you saying? The hall has a giant protection formation, me, second and first brother will protect you can both sides, and in the very middle of the hall is the 300 years old spirit pill furnace, and finally inside the pill furnace is you, that way Tianma won't have any chance to attack" Qin Xiao Lou glared at him.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, saying: "When do we start?"

"Wait for another minute and it'll be the best time to breakthrough today" Qin Xiao Lou answered.

Four people and a goose stood there for 1 minute. As Gu Qing Shan walked towards the pill furnace, he felt his sleeves being pulled. It was Xiu Xiu.

"Fourth brother, do your best" Xiu Xiu looked up, cheering for him.

"I will" Gu Qing Shan rubbed her head.

Then he jumped up directly into the pill furnace.


Qin Xiao Lou turned the formation plate, his hand quickly created hand signs, activating the 71 formations at the same time. Wang Li made a hand sign and activated the Fuinjutsu's functions. Then as he breathed out, he made some hand seals and silently activates the defensive runes inside the pill furnace.

After all of that, Qin Xiao Lou finally stepped to the left of the pill furnace.

"Where are you going?" white goose asked

"I'm guarding the left, you're guarding the right, to look out for any Tianma that might come" Qin Xiao Lou said.

"No need" Wang Li suddenly said.

"Why not?"

"Today you finally seem like someone capable" white goose looked at him and nodded in satisfaction, saying: "Just rest there, I and second brother will guard him"

"Hmph, I'm always capable"

But Qin Xiao Lou still sat down, closed his eyes and started to circulate his spirit energy. Wang Li and white goose stood still in the hall, silently protecting the pill furnace.


In the morning, even though the three Saints spent so much time discussing, they still haven't reached a conclusion. Originally, after a short rest at noon, they'd continue the discussion in the afternoon. But even after being invited a few times, Bai Hua Fairy still hasn't left her tent.

"Could the Saint be unhappy?" One of the general asked in a low voice.

No one replied. The entire tent was filled with high-ranked cultivators, but no one dared to say anything.

"No, she isn't one to be unhappy just because we couldn't reach a conclusion" a voice said.

The one who said that was a Daoist with a red face, wearing a blue Dao robe.

The red-faced Daoist was sitting on one of the three high seats, turning to the old monk besides him and asked: "Great Monk, what do you think?"

"Amitabha" the old monk smiled peacefully, clapping his hands together: "This humble one thinks that Fairy must be tending to something very important, we can wait for her"

In this world, the only people who can make this personage speak such words are the red-faced Daoist, and Bai Hua Fairy herself.

"That's right, I also feel like she has something on her mind today" the red-faced Daoist agreed.

"It could be something that has to do with the survival of humanity, as we all know, she and Shadow Sword Saint were the first people to discover the matter of this time"

All the great cultivators here all showed a face of understanding. That's right, if Fairy isn't here, then she must be planning or arranging something meaningful, and it must be reaching a crucial point, enough that she couldn't spare a thought.

As they thought that, they all suddenly felt a sense of gratitude.

Everyone says that Bai Hua Fairy and Shadow Sword Saint doesn't care about anything, but all the big matters that happened lately were all single-handedly dealt with by him and her. He alone breakthrough the demon's frontline, rescued Gong Sun Zhi and Ning Yue Xi, while she killed four Beast Saints, tamed one of them, and even fished out the traitor Blade Emperor.

Who else in the world could have done all those great achievements? This is what it means to be a Saint, this is a model for all to follow! Thinking that, even the red-faced Daoist breath out, silently thought to himself that he couldn't compare to both of them.

Then he tapped the handle of his seat, saying: "We'll just wait for a bit more. From what I know the Shadow Sword Saint had refused to come here saying he had something important to overlook. Perhaps he sent some of his findings to Bai Hua Fairy. After all the are Disciple and Master respectively."

Just like that, a tent full of humanity's strongest fighting force patiently waited.

Bai Hua Palace.

Wang Li suddenly looked at the pot.

"How is this possible!"

White goose jumped up in surprise, and started pacing around the hall.

"What happened?" Qin Xiao Lou opened his eyes, his expression was serious.

"Because I and Wang Li are here, there aren't any Tianma, but Gu Qing Shan's soul vessel itself is entering the void" white goose answered worriedly.

"How is that possible, what could have happened, I've never heard of a situation like that before" Qin Xiao Lou muttered.

"There's nothing we can do now, he can only rely on himself" white goose said dejectedly.

Xiu Xiu thought a bit, then said: "Shifu once told me that breaking through a realm have something to do with your karma"

Qin Xiao Lou's eyes glowed a bit, saying: "That's right, it could be that he has some sort of good fortune so he's being led towards it"

White goose sighed: "Hah, we spent all that time preparing, but still couldn't protect him, we can only hope he really doesn't run into any problems"

Wang Li already knew Gu Qing Shan was going to meet 'that' giant so he didn't worry too much. But this reminded him to gain the ability to influence space laws alongside time laws.

After a few minutes.

"Ahh his soul is back in his body and since the Fuinjutsu seals didn't activate then it means his soul wasn't injured." Wang Li told the rest to calm them down.

"That's good. That's good." The white goose said, clearly the most worried.

Then suddenly a miraculous sight of Gu Qing Shan's Thaumaturgy awakening could be seen.

"Ah? How did Lightning appear? Third brother shouldn't be facing a Lightning Trial yet" Xiu Xiu muttered, confused.

Qin Xiao Lou quickly understood, praising: "How rare, to awaken Lightning element spirit energy the very first time he broke through a realm, if that's the case, in later breakthroughs, it'll be fine even if he doesn't awaken any thaumaturgy"

White goose went silent, then sighed in relief.

"This isn't just lightning but rather the rarest, namely the Lightning of Life." Wang Li told them.


"Ahahaha, it's Life type! Life type! Finally a bit competent, this Saint didn't make a mistake after all"

The entire camp could hear Bai Hua Fairy's silvery bell of a laugh. Everyone looked at each other, confused as to what happened.

The red-faced Daoist was silent, then suddenly said: "Great Monk, is she alright?"

"What are you worried about?" The monk asked.

"There should be nothing wrong, but I'm afraid of what happens if it's a Sainted realm Tianma…" The red-faced Daoist hesitantly replied.

As he heard that, the monk's face became serious.

He stood up, saying: "Then we'll go take a look"

"Ok then, a look won't hurt" The red-faced Daoist solemnly replied.

Bai Hua Palace

After confirming Gu Qing Shan has broken through, white goose chased Qin Xiao Lou and Xiu Xiu out.

"There's many protection formations here, as well as pills and spirit cooking, since you've just broken through, take the time to stabilize your realm"

"We won't stay here, we'll come back to check on you tomorrow"

As white goose said so, he flapped his wings and flew away as well. Wang Li also left alongside him while leaving a statement.

"Congratulations on awakening a Lightning of Life Thaumaturgy."

Wang Li went back to the Shadow Hall and started to miss the little loli SkyNet who has locked herself in the lab for the past week since she gained inspiration to increase her understanding of the Void Engine to 95% of the technologies in it. Wang Li decided to chat with Ning Yue Xi on his phone before going to sleep in his bed.