Watching Semester Examination (1)

"This time's semester examination" Bai Hua Fairy returned to the topic at hand, "we will choose the most suitable seeds among the lone cultivators and martial artists. As they're accepted into the respective sects, they'll receive the best resources and scriptures to quickly build themselves up"

"After the semester examination, all cultivators above a certain level will all join a great counter attack operation, hopefully we'll be able to turn things around" Bai Hua Fairy said.

"Qing Shan, Xiu Xiu"



"Since you've been accepted as my disciples, there is no need for you to take the examination, but since this is a thousands-year long tradition that have to do with Divinity themselves, so you still have to go"

Bai Hua Fairy looked at the two of them. Gu Qing Shan looked like he was thinking about something, breathed out a sigh, but stayed calm. Xiu Xiu on the other hand is already panicking, she clenched her fists right, bit her lip and tense up her entire body.

Bai Hua Fairy quickly consoled Xiu Xiu, smiling: "No need to worry, all you need to do is see the world and show up for the sake of showing up. Qing Shan, make sure to take care of Xiu Xiu, you'll leave tomorrow morning"



They both replied at the same time. Wang Li then returned to Shadow Hall and went to rest.


Wang Li woke up, took a bath and went to the Bai Hua Palace to eat breakfast. By the time he reached there, he found Qin Xiao Lou who has already made them a hearty breakfast, right now was talking to an anxious Xiuxiu, teaching her what to do.

"If you meet any strange cultivators, just ignore them, no matter where you go, always make sure to hold your fourth brother's hand" he went on and on.

"Hm" Xiu Xiu nodded her head.

"It's fine, let's eat" said Bai Hua Fairy sitting on the main seat.

Everyone sat down and enjoyed their meal.

Breakfast was very quickly over.

Bai Hua Fairy then said: "This semester examination, Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu will go together. So make sure to remember what I say right here"

Both Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu perked up their ears.

Bai Hua Fairy: "Go safely, return safely, you only need to broaden your minds, no need to care too much or compare yourselves to others"

Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu were stunned. Xiu Xiu's tense heartstrings immediately came loose.

Qin Xiao Lou complained: "Shifu, isn't this different from what you told me that year"

Bai Hua Fairy asked: "How is it different?"

"That year you told me, during the semester examination, if I were to make you lose face, you'll throw me into Bai Hua pond to sleep for 3 days and nights"

"Hmph, that's because you don't concentrate on your cultivation, always slacking off"

"Then them ———"

"Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu are my disciples, why would they need to compare themselves to anyone else? They only need to come back safely" Bai Hua Fairy composedly said.

"Aren't I also ———"

"You're a hopeless disciple"


"Can you beat Qing Shan?"

Qin Xiao Lou couldn't say a thing to retort, finally could only dejectedly comment: "Shifu, you're just breaking the relationship of our brotherhood"

Then he suddenly turned around, saying to Gu Qing Shan: "Junior brother, this time's semester examination is especially important, all the sects will be there, so you have to watch over Xiuxiu carefully"

Gu Qing Shan wondered: "Could it be someone is targeting Xiuxiu?"

"That's not it" Wang Li said in Qin Xiao Lou's place, "we're a famous sect in all the sects of the world, but we have not been founded for very long, not to mention there are so few people. A few trees don't make a forest and all that, you understand. That's why sometimes there are those that can't accept it"

Qin Xiao Luo continued: "Especially the other Saint's disciples, as well as the other 10,000-year large sects"

White goose coldly scoffed, saying: "In the last semester examination, you were beaten to Ning Yue Xi enough to grovel on the ground begging for forgiveness, but aren't you just fine right now? Still slacking off and showing off every day"

Qin Xiao Lou's face went red, not admitting it: "That's just because I don't want to argue with a woman"

Gu Qing Shan is a returner, so he's very clear about all the hidden dirty interactions between the sects, very solemnly replied: "I'll make sure to carefully protect Xiu Xiu, you can be assured"

Both white goose and Qin Xiao Lou were pleased with his attitude, nodding their heads.

Wang Li then said: "Well you don't need to be worried so much since I placed a few Shadow Soldiers in your shadows."

Xiu Xiu and Gu Qing Shan felt more relieved.

Bai Hua Fairy also smiled, saying: "Go, you can be on your way"

Xiu Xiu looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan smiled at her: "Nothing to worry about"

"Hm" Xiu Xiu nodded.

After they left, Wang Li and Bai Hua Fairy went to the Dignity Mountain in the clouds. There an old monk and a red-faced Daoist could be seen waiting for them.

"Amitabha! Greetings Fellow Daoist Wang. Greetings Fairy."

"Greetings Monk and Xuanyuan."

After some greetings Xuanyuan and Bai Hua Fairy sat opposite to each other and started playing a game of chess. Meanwhile Wang Li stood next to Great Monk of Sorrow talking about the latest movements of demons.

At the same time all 4 of them were observing the Semester Examination that was being held down below. Just now the cultivators in the front shouted: "To————- The————- Sky———— Palace!"

The first to act was a group of 10 cultivators standing in the corner. They drove a large airship, carrying about 50-60 carefully selected cultivators and went up.

The leading cultivator announced: "Flowing Clouds Sect, Song Yang Zi, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

He solemnly bowed to the direct of the Sky Palace. The airship slowly rose, bring people of the Flowing Clouds Sect upward into the Sky Palace.

After them, an old man stood out and also announced: "Thousand Swords Sect, Huo Shan Fei, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

This is the sect master of one of the world's largest sects, Thousand Swords Sect. He also bowed respectfully towards the Sky Palace. Then, a giant sword floated overhead the Thousand Swords cultivators, as they all jumped on it to fly to the half-destroyed palace in the sky. The square became more and more excited.

"Clear Sea Sect, Lee Yuan Xiu, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

"White Mountain Sect, Bai Jiang Ha, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

"Yao Guang Sect, Lee Xiao Yao, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

Leng Tian Xing turned and nodded to him, sending his voice: "I'm the first round's judge cultivator, we'll talk more when you come up"

Yao Guang Sect produced a magnificent shroud of light, covered and brought all their members up to the Sky Palace.

"The sects of our cultivation world really have so many strange and unusual flying implements, they look so cool" Xiu Xiu looked and excitedly commented at each sect.

If Wang Li didn't know better, he would think she is a tourist with how she was acting.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, saying: "All their flying implements are meant to represent their sect's characteristics"

Xiu Xiu recalled, then said in surprise: "No wonder, Thousand Swords Sect's was a giant sword, Yao Guang Sect's was an Aurora, Spirit Beasts Sect's was an almost 10 thousand years old turtle"

"But so many sects simply use airships, maybe it's because they don't have the resources or time to spend on something like this" she said.

"That's right, Xiu Xiu is so smart" Gu Qing Shan complimented her, saying: "This is a chance to show off the sects' good points, so that the cultivators waiting to be picked can have a basic idea of them, as well as to lure in any genius cultivators that might be here"

After a while, someone suddenly announced: "Heaven's Limit Sect, Han Tian Ming, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

Heaven's Limit Sect?

Wang Li looked over and immediately see Ning Yue Xi. He then saw Gu Qing Shan and Ning Yue Xi looking at each other. He immediately realized they were communicating telepathically. Ning Yue Xi's eyes finally drifted next to Gu Qing Shan's waist, at his sword, her lips pouted a bit.

This sort of animated expression actually appeared on the cold and distant Heaven's Limit Saintess, making so many male cultivators that are silently observing her fall deeper into her beauty. Wang Li suddenly remembered Gu Qing Shan lied to Ning Yue Xi about his occupation last time. He was looking forward to the show that might happen next.

Gu Qing Shan however, felt his back soaked with cold sweat, silently regretting not hiding his sword.

"Not good, this time I can't even run"

Gu Qing Shan silently muttered. Wang Li wanted to laugh at his junior brother's misery. After that, all the other sects began to release their flying implement and ascend to Sky Palace as well. There weren't many sects left.

Suddenly a voice called out.

"Can I ask for your name, brother?"

Wang Li looked at him and immediately realized who it was.

"Heaven's Limit Saintess seems to have observed your sword very carefully, so I'm curious, could I borrow and look at your sword for a bit?"

His words were very polite, but the content is extremely rude. Not only did he just admit he was eyeing Ning Yue Xi, he's also asking to see Gu Qing Shan's sword. For a sword cultivator, their sword is their life, their partner through thick and thin, their religion itself, how could they just take it out and give to others to see? Not to mention, out of the millions of spells and techniques in the world, there are many that are made specifically to seek out a person's weakness from their weapons. Some stronger cultivators can even place curses on someone through their weapons. In extreme cases, where the sword has borne a sword spirit, if they're taken by people with bad motives, they could not only harm the sword spirit, but break the sword as well. You can't let others borrow your personal weapons, this is common sense of all cultivators, something that anyone should know about.

But he is openly asking to see his sword.

Wang Li immediately looked at Xuanyuan and said: "Your Disciple sure has guts to have such thoughts towards my Dao Partner."

Xuanyuan looked back at Wang Li with puzzlement: "Dao Partner? I didn't know. I will educate him when he returns."

"You should. If something like this happens again then don't blame me to take action."

Meanwhile on the ground.

Gu Qing Shan laughed: "I'm sorry, but no"

The other person was stunned, then his face shifted.

"Do you not know who I am?" He said.

"How would I know if you don't tell me" Gu Qing Shan answered.

He shook his head: "You don't even have that much observation skill and still dare to come to this semester examination?"

"Yet here I am" Gu Qing Shan answered honestly.

"I'll say it one more time, let me look at your sword"

Gu Qing Shan thought a bit, then said: "I don't mind letting you see it"

The other party nodded, seeming to be a bit less annoyed.

"But how about you also take out your weapon to let me take a look as well, huh?" Gu Qing Shan sincerely asked.

The other person's face clearly became dark, asking: "It's been very long since anyone dare to talk to me like that, you really won't give it?"

Behind him, a few dozen other cultivators that also wore blue Daoist robes stepped over, staring at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan ignored them all and smiled: "I won't"

Being asked for his sword so many times made his killing intent starts to boil. But he looked around. There are too many people around right now, so if they really fought, it won't be easy to protect Xiu Xiu. Gu Qing Shan kept his hand on his sword a bit, then let go.

The other person looked around a bit, noticing that many sect masters are paying attention here, he finally stared at Gu Qing Shan, saying: "You'll regret this"

And left.

After he left, Xiu Xiu asked: "Senior brother"

Gu Qing Shan looked at her being so anxious, smiled and said: "It's fine"

"You can't let other cultivators see your weapons?" Xiu Xiu asked.

"Of course not, asides from Shifu and your senior brothers, you can't let anyone else see your weapons" Gu Qing Shan seriously told her.

Xiu Xiu nodded, understood but not quite understood. The other person went back to their sect, then loudly announced.

"Blue Clouds Pass, Lee Chang An, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

All the voices around stopped. Even the sects that are preparing to take off also stopped themselves, not daring to be impolite when they hear that. Lee Chang An, is one of Xuanyuan Tianzun's direct disciples. Openly in front of everyone, Lee Chang An looked back smirking at Gu Qing Shan.

His expression was calm, modest, only his eyes contained a hint of disdain, almost like he was waiting to see Gu Qing Shan's face of shock. But he was very quickly disappointed. As Gu Qing Shan only smiled back at him, nodded and soundlessly replied with his mouth gesture

"Piss off"

Wang Li was impressed and smirked at this. They are such simple words that as long as you are paying attention you'd be able to make it out, so many people there raised stifled laughs. Lee Chang An was very angry, enough to almost want to go and kill them. But in front of all those people, he definitely can't do such a thing. Lee Chang An calmed his emotions, tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a talisman.


He silently shouted, activating the talisman. The talisman quickly burned up, turning into a Phoenix.

"A divine beast!"

Someone shouted in surprise. Everyone quickly focused their eyes. Even Spirit Beats Sect doesn't own a divine beast. The phoenix happily cawed, spread its wings wide and flew to the sky. On the way, all things it passed through became a road of fire. The sky turned into a road of fire.


Lee Chang An ordered.

All the members of Blue Clouds Pass walked on this road straight to the Sky Palace. Miraculously, the fire doesn't seem to hurt them at all. While Lee Chang An ascended, he even looked down mockingly at Gu Qing Shan. He also opened his mouth and soundlessly said something.

"Just you wait"

Gu Qing Shan ignored it, but still praised: "This method of ascending the Sky Palace really is outside the box"

"Senior brother isn't mad?" Xiu Xiu curiously asked.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, then took out a bunch of snacks.

He asked: "What do you want to eat, Xiu Xiu?"

Xiu Xiu was already bored of watching, so when she saw these snacks, her eyes glowed in excitement.

"When did senior brother buy all these, how come I didn't know?"

"I bought them all when you were busy looking at the spirit beasts"

"Hm, so delicious, senior brother is so good"

"Of course I am"

Blue Clouds Pass had just used an unforgettable method to ascend the Sky Palace. After them, a loud Buddha chant was heard.


One of the 3 Saints, Great Monk of Sorrow's sect is also here ———Spirit Leaf Temple. The one that is in charge on their side is a young monk who has his eyes closed, looking around 17-18 years old, about the same age as Gu Qing Shan. As he chanted, golden lotuses sprouted from the earth, lifting the people of Spirit Leaf Temple up to Sky Palace.

Wang Li looked at this and smiled: "Monk! That is an impressive entrance."

"Amitabha! Thank you for the praise Fellow Daoist," The monk answered with some joy.

"Wow, Golden Lotus From Earth, this is a Buddhist thaumaturgy, what an eye-opener indeed!" Xiu Xiu ate her snacks while excitedly commented.

Then she suddenly thought of something. Something extremely important.

"Senior brother, senior brother!"


"We both don't know how to fly; how do we go up?"

Gu Qing Shan looked around to see there weren't many other people atop the mountain anymore.

"No need to worry" Gu Qing Shan smiled, "Shifu is even more concerned about this type of thing than we are"

The tapped his Inventory Bag, taking out a communication talisman.

"Bai Hua Sect" Gu Qing Shan raised his voice.

These three words were like magic, as soon as they were heard, even the cultivators already on the Sky Palace had to look down.

"Gu Qing Shan, here to bring our sect members to participate in the semester examination!"

After saying so, he solemnly bowed at Sky Palace. As the communication talisman was activated by his spirit energy, it turned into a flame and flew away. They all waited for a few breaths, but nothing happened. Lee Chang An's face visually changed, his thoughts quickly turned and so, he quickly acted.

The sound of his laugh quickly came from the Sky Palace. All the cultivators turned back to see it was Blue Clouds Pass' Lee Chang An

Lee Chang An shook his head, saying: "Bai Hua Sect only sent two people, if you can't come up here then you'd better just leave"

As everyone heard that, they were all confused.

Why does that mean?

Does Blue Clouds Pass and Bai Hua Sect have some discord?

But Bai Hua Sect shouldn't get into any problems at this kind of occasion though?

Then again, Bai Hua Fairy is very hard to predict, so who knows what could happen.

Lee Chang An dared to say it, but normal cultivators like them don't. They all shut their mouths, only exchanged looks or sent voices to each other and stayed completely silent, afraid they might invite some unwarranted trouble. Suddenly a 7-colored cloud appeared at the horizon. This cloud was as beautiful as it was majestic, containing a dignified air, enough for all that sees it to become immersed. The 7-colored cloud quickly descended, turning into a beastly wild, mature older woman as she reached the top of the mountain.

Gu Qing Shan pulled Xiu Xiu and quickly bowed, saying: "I greet you, Saint"

The mature woman smiled, saying: "No need to be so formal, I'm here on orders of Fairy to assist you"

Saying so, she twirled her body, turning into a giant peacock with majestic tail feathers.

Normally, only male peacocks would have colorful tail feathers like this, but how could Beast Saint Peacock be compared to a normal peacock? As a divine beast, every feather on her body contains immense beauty and essence of her Dao, it could even help with feeling and comprehending the laws of the world.

"We've troubled you, I can offer nothing but gratitude" Gu Qing Shan once again bowed.

Beast Saint Peacock felt his respect and nodded: "Let's go"

As she swung her wings, Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu quickly got on her back. Carrying the two of them, Beast Saint Peacock spread her wings and ascended Sky Palace. Her beautiful form seems just like a cloud of 7 colors, but more slender and soft, unforgettable to all that sees it.

All the cultivators couldn't help but held their breath at this scene. Sainted realm is the limit of cultivation, the symbol of status, a title without equals, a position that's always treated with the utmost respect. In the entire history of humanity, there has only been a single person that could make a Sainted realm beast into their steed, The Shadow Sword Saint.

Gu Qing Shan and Xiu Xiu dropped down onto the Sky Palace square, as Beast Saint Peacock nodded at them, turned into a cloud and softly drifted away.

Looking to her left, Xiu Xiu saw a bunch of cultivators looking at them, stunned. Looking to her right, she also only saw a bunch of cultivators looking at them, stunned.

She asked Gu Qing Shan in a low voice: "I think Shifu might have gone a bit overboard"

Gu Qing Shan replied, also in a low voice: "Shifu purposely wanted such an effect"

Xiu Xiu thought about it a bit, then nodded in agreement.

After a while, everyone finally regained their senses, got back to discussing among each other. Lee Chang An's face was sour as lemon, annoyed. He turned away and acted like he didn't see it to get over his annoyance.

Wang Li could not help but comment: "Hahaha, that guy dug his own grave. He's quite desperate and foolish."