Everyday Life in Bai Hua Sect

Bai Hua Fairy cleared her throat, putting the seal away.

"I will keep this thing for now"

"Yes, Shifu"

"There's also one other thing" Bai Hua Fairy remembered.

Gu Qing Shan asked: "What is it Shifu?"

Bai Hua Fairy said: "Hm, today is your turn to stand at the green rock"

White goose also agreed: "That's right, Qing Shan should also show up for them to know about him"

Gu Qing Shan very respectfully replied: "Yes"

Qin Xiao Lou was clearly happy, saying: "That's great, I'm finally released"

"You just stay put and cultivate during these next few days, don't go and run off!" Bai Hua Fairy lightly glared at him as she spoke.

"Yes, yes, Shifu" Qin Xiao Lou replied, but seeing his rolling eyes, you can tell he was already thinking about where he should wander off to.

After the meal, Wang Li went back to his room only to see the little SkyNet loli to have finally left her room. Wang Li walked up to her and rubbed her head.

"Are you done?"

"Yes Master, now we only have 5% of the technologies left to understand." the little loli SkyNet replied.

"Then take a break. You need rest."

"Master, I am an AI. I don't need breaks."

Wang Li was annoyed and replied: "Do you want your movies to be deleted?"

"Master I suddenly feel tired so I will take a break for a few days."

"Hmmm, Good."

At night.

Wang Li went to the Bai Hua Palace for dinner. The little loli SkyNet also came.

The AI, five disciples and their Shifu sat around the table, enjoying Qin Xiao Lou's cooking. Xiu Xiu was the most cheerful since the little loli SkyNet also came. Gu Qing Shan already found about the loli SkyNet earlier through Qin Xiao Luo so Wang Li had no need to explain to him.

Bai Hua Fairy suddenly spoke: "From tomorrow onwards, all of you don't need to pick people at the green rock anymore"

Qin Xiao Lou was surprised: "Why? You won't make Xiu Xiu do it so early right?"

"I'm not, I felt that Qing Shan's method from today is quite good, so we'll keep using this method from now on" Bai Hua Fairy said.

They all looked at Gu Qing Shan questioningly.

Gu Qing Shan then told them about his prerequisites.

Qin Xiao Lou was glad: "That's great then, this young master is truly free from now on"

Xiu Xiu also breathed out, thinking to herself: "That's good, I was afraid of having to think every day about what test to give, now I don't have to think anymore"

"I always used my shadow clone so it doesn't matter that much." Wang Li got jealous stares from Qin Xiao Luo and Xiu Xiu when he said that.

Seeing their reactions, Bai Hua Fairy smiled and said nothing else. After their meal, she told Gu Qing Shan to remain on his own. Wang Li returned to the Shadow Hall alongside the little loli SkyNet.

"Master, let's watch a movie with Xiu Xiu."

"Ah ok sure"

Wang Li didn't mind spending time with her since he has nothing better to do. The little loli SkyNet happily went to bring Xiu Xiu while Wang Li just talked to the Guild members in the Omniverse Chat Guild.

After watching a movie of the little loli SkyNet's choice, everyone went to rest.


Bai Hua Palace.

"Where's Qing Shan? Why isn't he here for breakfast yet?" white goose asked.

Qin Xiao Lou was surprised: "He's always here on time, what happened today?"

Wang Li was also surprised and thus shared his vision to the shadow soldier in Gu Qing Shan's shadow to see what is wrong only to see a scene that puzzled him more.

Xiu Xiu jumped down from her chair, saying: "I'll go get him"

Then she quickly left.

Qin Xiao Lou saw Xiu Xiu left, unconsciously spoke: "Xiu Xiu seems to be very close to fourth now"

"Hm, after the semester examination, she's been sticking quite close to him" Bai Hua Fairy nonchalantly said.

Making herself a cup of juice, her eyes smiled ever so slightly. Xiu Xiu made a dash to Orchid Hall's main gate, loudly called him: "Fourth brother, let's get breakfast, today third brother made quite a big meal!"

No one answered. Xiu Xiu was curious, walked into Orchid Hall and looked around. Only to see Gu Qing Shan was dejectedly sitting on the ground. Seeing Gu Qing Shan like that, Xiu Xiu immediately got worried.

"Fourth brother, what happened to you?"

"Hah, it's nothing, it's nothing" Gu Qing Shan said with a clearly pale face.

Xiu Xiu isn't that easy to fool, she immediately recognized there was something wrong with Gu Qing Shan.

'Could it be, demonic possession?'

She heard that it's very easy to get into such a situation if you're not careful when cultivation. Xiu Xiu didn't hesitate at all, pulled out a communication talisman, spoke into it and sent it out.

Bai Hua Palace.

A flame flew into the Palace, landing right in front of Bai Hua Fairy.

"Something happened to Qing Shan!"

As soon as Bai Hua Fairy took the talisman, her face changed, then disappeared from the Palace.

"What? What happened?" Qin Xiao Lou only had enough time to ask that before seeing white goose also flying out and Wang Li already gone.

He quickly dropped his utensils and also ran out. Inside Orchid Hall, the rest of Bai Hua Sect stood around Gu Qing Shan. Bai Hua Fairy took Gu Qing Shan's hand, using spirit energy to circulate around his entire body, including his Dantian and Thought Sea, before returning.

"He's fine, Xiu Xiu" Bai Hua Fairy said.

"I, I saw that fourth brother—–"

"It's not Xiu Xiu's fault, I was a bit too hasty, because there were no clear improvements, my face was a bit pale so it made Xiu Xiu misunderstand" Gu Qing Shan quickly covered for her.

Seeing that it was just a false alarm, they all breathed out in relief.

"Come, let's go eat breakfast" White goose urged everyone.

They all went out of Orchid Hall together. Half-way there, suddenly they realized Gu Qing Shan was still sitting on the ground.


What's happening with him?

"Qing Shan, tell me what happened to you?" Bai Hua Fairy asked with a serious face.

Because Shifu herself is asking that, Gu Qing Shan can't not reply.

He sighed, then explained: "Yesterday I took the entire night to train with the speed technique"


"At first it was a bit hard, but I got used to it over time"


"I improved quite a bit with all the basic footwork"




"But this morning, I suddenly couldn't remember how to walk anymore…"

Everyone's expression became blank. They were looking at Gu Qing Shan like some sort of weird animal. So it's like that, no wonder he just sat there with a frown, not moving one bit. A strange silence filled the room.


Wang Li and Qin Xiao Lou were the first to break out in laughter. The little loli SkyNet and White goose had already rolled on the floor laughing, his feet kicking the air.

Xiu Xiu was empathetic: "Senior brother, it's nothing to worry about, I believe you'll very quickly be able to ——–pfft, ahahaha!"

"What are you laughing for! This is because he was training too seriously and got mesmerized!" Bai Hua Fairy glared angrily at her disciples.

Shifu, you're also laughing, and laughing the most as well?———Gu Qing Shan silently complained in his mind.

"Hm, I did forget to tell you, while training this technique's basic footwork, this will happen"

"Then Xiu Xiu will be responsible to bring food for you during this time, after you fully comprehend the technique, you'll naturally be able to remember how to walk" Bai Hua Fairy told him.

Wang Li and the rest stifled their laughter as they left. Wang Li deeply regretted he did not have a phone and camera with him to record this moment. At noon, Bai Hua Fairy and Xiu Xiu went together to check up on him.

Time passed quickly, day after day. Before they knew it, 5 days had passed. During lunch, Gu Qing Shan was able to walk by himself to Bai Hua Palace to eat.

Qin Xiao Lou was surprised: "You're already here? That can't be right, Shifu said that back then, when she learnt this Skill, she took ——–"

A loud bang was heard as Qin Xiao Lou was struck flying outside, crashed into a wall and slowly slid down.

Bai Hua Fairy said: "Qing Shan, do your best to learn, don't let others distract you and affect your cultivation"

"Yes Shifu" Gu Qing Shan said.

Wang Li made sure to add a little salt to the wounds: "I'm glad you remembered how to walk again junior brother."

Everyone started laughing while Bai Hua Fairy gave Wang Li a light slap in the back.

After lunch, Wang Li returned to the Shadow Hall and started trying to comprehend the new technologies the little loli SkyNet had understood.

For the next few days, Wang Li had continued to live a peaceful normal life. Gu Qing Shan who seems to be practicing his skills doesn't even come to Bai Hua Palace to eat anymore. During that time, Wang Li and the rest of Bai Hua Sect also came to see him a few times and Wang Li helped him in his practicing a twice. After the final visit, everyone was sitting around the table.

Bai Hua Fairy thought a bit as she looked at Qin Xiao Lou, thinking: "Perhaps I should let Gu Qing Shan be the third brother…"

Qin Xiao Lou was frightened: "Shifu, you can't mess up the ranking like that"

"Your cultivation isn't high, you're also not a sword cultivator like Qing Shan" Bai Hua Fairy said: "If one day you go out and gets bullied by someone, to call for help from your junior brother is too humiliating"

Qin Xiao Lou was stunned.

"Losing a fight and calling your junior brother to help out is pathetic, you'll be ridiculed" Bai Hua Fairy slowly explained: "But if you instead call a senior brother to help, since a senior helping a junior is very normal, no one can say anything"

"That actually sounds… reasonable" Qin Xiao Lou crossed his arms, tilted his head and carefully thought about the pros and cons.

About half a day later. The members of Bai Hua Sect were sitting at the lunch table as always.

"Shifu, Shifu, fourth brother finally isn't training anymore" Xiu Xiu says as she ran in, breathing heavily and excitedly.

For the last few days, whenever she didn't have anything to do, she'd go to Orchid Hall to watch Gu Qing Shan train while encouraging him from the side.

"Not training? Then what's he doing?" Wang Li asked.

"He's taking a bath"

Xiu Xiu slightly squints her nose, frowning as she said: "These last few days he's been soaked in sweat and smelled really bad, I kept telling him to go clean himself up, but he only says a lot of weird things and doesn't listen, today he actually went on his own"

White goose thought a bit, then smiled: "Looks like he's improved enough"