Situation of the War


Orchid Hall.

White goose gave Gu Qing Shan a jade tag, telling him: "Learn it well"

Wang Li immediately knew it was the Hundred Saint's Core Formation Scripture.

White goose said: "Your venture to the frontline this time will probably leave you away from the sect for a while. After Shifu looked through hundreds of Foundation Establishment realm scriptures, she decided to give you the one she used to practice"

Gu Qing Shan replied: "I understand, I'll definitely do my best to learn it"

Xiu Xiu stood on one side for a while, then finally came up to Gu Qing Shan and gave him a bag.

"Senior brother, there's a lot of snacks inside, I had to choose them for very long. If you're ever hungry eat a bit, ok?" Xiu Xiu said.

"Ah, our Xiu Xiu really is the best, after senior brother comes back, I'll take you out to play again" Gu Qing Shan took the Inventory Bag and rubbed her head softly.

"Junior brother!"

A shout came from outside Orchid Hall.

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan quickly stood up and went out.

A bit later, Qin Xiao Lou walked behind him into Orchid Hall.

"How's your preparations?" Qin Xiao Lou asked.

"I've prepared everything, only need to wait until tomorrow to leave" Gu Qing Shan answered.

"Ha ha" Qin Xiao Lou patted Gu Qing Shan's shoulder, saying: "Today's matter with the spirit beasts, I thought about it a lot and concluded that it was my shortcoming that made you had to deal with that"

"We're brothers here, no need to be like that"

"Hm, very well, but to make it up to you, senior brother has a great technique here to teach you" Qin Xiao Lou spoke mysteriously.

"What kind of technique?"

"This technique is something I improved myself, it's guaranteed to let you experience all the glorious ups and downs of life"

Saying so, he tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a jade tag. Looking at the jade tag and hearing his description of it, Gu Qing Shan suddenly felt his head hurting a bit. The last time Qin Xiao Lou gave out a jade tag to Gu Qing Shan, white goose knocked it away. It was the Long-ranged Spirit Nurturing Method, a technique specifically made to Qin Xiao Lou to hit on women.

It wasn't until after Xiu Xiu explained to him that Gu Qing Shan understood, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Qin Xiao Lou pridefully gave him the jade tag. Gu Qing Shan couldn't help but accept it. Wang Li already knew Gu Qing Shan got a Super Presence Concealment Script.

The Presence Concealment technique is a very common one, usually only usable in a few missions that require stealth.

Gu Qing Shan asked again: "Isn't this just a Presence Concealment technique? How would I experience the glorious ups and downs of life with this?"

"You still don't get it?" Qin Xiao Lou was acting all mysterious-like again.

"Yeah, I don't understand" Gu Qing Shan followed up with him.

Qin Xiao Lou laughed heartily, then suddenly turned serious and said: "This technique's true meaning is encompassed in 7 words!"

"I've never told this to anyone else, so junior brother, you must listen very carefully"

Seeing him so serious, Gu Qing Shan also unconsciously became serious and replied: "Very well, brother, please tell me"

Qin Xiao Lou very solemnly: "Faking a pig to eat a tiger"

Gu Qing Shan was confused.

Qin Xiao Lou explained: "Go somewhere that there's a lot of qi training realm cultivators, if anyone were to make you angry, just cancel the technique and show off your actual strength, you can easily scare them into begging for forgiveness"

"Using this technique to show off in front of female cultivators is satisfying both physically and mentally"

"But then" Gu Qing Shan asked, "what is the other party has seniors go out to defend them?"

Qin Xiao Lou clasped his hand: "This humble one is Bai Hua Sect's Bai Hua Saint's direct disciple and Shadow Sword Saints junior brother, Qin Xiao Lou. Might I ask, brother, which sect are you from?"

"…You actually use second brother and Shifu's name like that…"

"Absolutely do not tell her" Qin Xiao Lou hurriedly wave his hands, "that method is only for you to relieve stress"

"This is also my ultimate stress relief method, I'm only teaching it to you, my brother"

"How is it, senior brother really cares about you right?"


"Senior brother is being a suitable brother right?"


Qin Xiao Lou then looked at white goose and Xiu Xiu, saying: "Ah, right, senior brothers, junior sister, please don't tell Shifu about this as well, this is because I'm worried about Qing Shan you know"

Xiu Xiu reluctantly: "Because you said this is for fourth brother, I won't tell"

Wang Li sighed: "I already promised so I won't tell"

'HAHAHA, you just spilled it infront of Shifu, you fool.'

Wang Li was suddenly enjoying this terrifying yet comedic scene.

"First senior brother, ehehe, I beg you don't tell her as well, ok?" Qin Xiao Lou smiled brightly, asking.

White goose squints his eyes, coldly said: "Don't worry, I won't tell"

Qin Xiao Lou felt himself able to relax. Thinking about it again, he praised himself for thinking so much about his junior brother.

Before leaving alongside others, Wang Li told Gu Qing Shan.

"Right Qing Shan, during the previous campaign, you are the only surviving frontline soldier. If you compile all the intelligence you have regarding the demon beasts into a proper report, listing out their characteristics, attack method, weaknesses, you would gain a lot of military merit. That itself is a great contribution."

An uneventful night passed.

The next day came.


Both Gu Qing Shan and Qin Xiao Luo had left for the frontlines, Wang Li spent his days as always. He watched movies with the little loli SkyNet and Xiu Xiu.

A day before the final decisive battle Xuanyuan and Sorrow came to the Bai Hua Sect to discuss tomorrow's battle. Naturally, Wang Li also joined. However before they could begin Bai Hua Fairy had suddenly told them to wait for an hour. Wang Li looked at her with confusion when she suddenly looked towards the direction of the frontlines.

Wang Li suddenly checked the shadow in Gu Qing Shan's shadow and realized what was about to happen. He saw Gu Qing Shan kill his mount before sending a talisman towards Bai Hua Fairy. A flame talisman flew in, caught by Bai Hua Fairy. After scanning it with her inner sight, Bai Hua Fairy suddenly laughed.

"Interesting, how very interesting!"

Her expression was that of a girl that became curious and excited because she saw something new. Xuanyuan Tianzun and the Great Monk of Sorrow stood up, solemnly stared at her.

"Fairy, the decisive battle is already tomorrow, just what could've made you become so relaxed?" Xuanyuan Tianzun's tone became slightly strict.

He has never spoken to Xie Dao Ling like this ever before, truthfully, he was a bit angry. Two of the strongest people in the world had to wait for an entire hour without an apparent reason, only to hear "how very interesting". Even the Great Monk of Sorrow couldn't hold his calm expression anymore.

Looking at them Bai Hua Fairy understood.

"Fine then, since the decisive battle is tomorrow, I'll share with you the information I just received" she smiled brightly and said.

"Then do tell" both the Saints said.

Wang Li smirked and commented: "This will be fun"

A while later.

All 4 Saints had different expressions on their faces.

The Great Monk of Sorrow clapped his hand and exclaimed: "Such fortune, such fortune, it's very fortunate that we found out about this, otherwise it would have been very devastating"

Xuanyuan Tianzun asked: "Is this information accurate? We absolutely cannot make a mistake with this type of thing"

Bai Hua Fairy answered: "My disciple has never been a fraud, not to mention something that's as important as this"

"Then we must leave right now, head to the frontline to exterminate the hidden threat" Xuanyuan Tianzun suggested.

Wang Li instantly stopped him: "Calm down old man"

Bai Hua Fairy smiled as she said, "Tianzun doesn't need to be in such a rush. Regarding this, my disciple has given us a suggestion. I found it to be extremely fitting as a military tactic, I think we should try it"

Her expression showed a soft smile, her tone both calm and elegant, obviously she was in a very good mood.

"Military tactic… that is…" Xuanyuan Tianzun muttered.

The fact that he's able to collect intelligence to this extent is a great thing, but how can something as important as military tactics be deciding on the spot like this? But when he listened as Bai Hua fairy explains, Xuanyuan Tianzun's mouth opened wide, almost unable to close.

"Shifu, we might have a problem to sort in the frontlines."

"What is it Li?"

Wang Li paused for a moment before saying: "Its better if you see it your self Shifu. Its related to Qing Shan"

Bai Hua Fairy's expression changed a bit. About half an hour later, the 4 Saints finished their discussion and flew out from Bai Hua Palace. By the time they reached the frontline, all of them witnessed Gu Qing Shan being suppressed by the general of the military and another direct disciple of Xuanyuan, Wu Xing Wen.

"I'm sorry, General Sun Zhi, he's a soldier under my jurisdiction, since I've already given the orders, I can't rescind it"

"Not to mention, I can't just shuffle around men arbitrarily like this"

"Such a…. hm, let's just say I think you shouldn't poison your troops with someone like him" Wu Xing Wen said to Gong Sun Zhi.

"Tianzun, why can't any of your disciples be like me, humble and calm? The previous one and this one, both of them dug their own grave." Wang Li made sure to jab Xuanyuan Tianzun.

Xuanyuan Tianzun completely ignored Wang Li's attempts to rile him. Bai Hua Fairy seemed very unhappy.

"Then what about me?"

In the air, a female voice suddenly rang out.

All cultivators lifted their heads to see, Bai Hua Fairy was standing there, together with Wang LI, Xuanyuan Tianzun and the Great Monk of Sorrow on her left and right.

"We solemnly welcome the Saint!"

All cultivators saluted.

Bai Hua Fairy's eyes were cold, looking at Wu Xing Wen with a blank expression, asking: "I ask you, I want to direct Gu Qing Shan away from your jurisdiction, do you accept or not?"

Immense spirit pressure emitted from her body, even blowing the clouds in the sky away.


Being hit with such overwhelming spirit pressure, the army of almost a hundred thousand cultivators were made to kneel.

"What's wrong? Speak!" Bai Hua Fairy's tone was light, but the spirit pressure she emits began to grow with every passing second.

Bai Hua Fairy Xie Dao Ling was exceptionally angry. Originally while on the way, she was still satisfied that her disciple was able to discover such a terrifying secret. This matter can actually affect whether or not they win this battle. The other Saints were also shaken to no end, showing just how unbelievable the truth of the matter was.

Bai Hua Fairy was smiling brightly, thinking about negotiating her disciple's military ranking again after this was done. Then as the 3 Saints made it to the frontline, they found Gu Qing Shan was being singled out by everyone and made to transport supplies ——–and he was even singled out from that!

They also saw how Gong Sun Zhi went to ask for him, and was rejected by Wu Xing Wen. How experienced are the other 3 Saints of humanity? They instantly noticed, this was him being openly antagonized. And because of that, Xie Dao Ling wouldn't endure it. Facing Bai Hua Fairy, Wu Xing Wen felt every other emotion he had before gone without a trace. It was like the emotions themselves were afraid of Bai Hua Fairy and went into hiding.

Feeling Bai Hua Fairy's rage, Wu Xing Wen quickly saluted and said: "As the Saint ordered, of course I will comply"

"How well spoken, so my disciple is a poison now is he?" Bai Hua Fairy slowly spoke, "And you even assigned my disciple for supplies transportation duty, such a great Ding Yuan General you are"

Bai Hua Fairy has never said such words ever before. She has always been someone that doesn't bother with official Military. But the fact that she's speaking out right now shows just how angry she was.

Wu Xing Wen's heart sank, quickly looked at Xuanyuan Tianzun and beg for help: "Shifu…"

Xuanyuan Tianzun frowned.

Just what happened here? We're already about to battle, what the heck are you holding on to her disciple for? Could it be, he really did something unforgivable, and still dared to make a Ding Yuan General unable to back down in front of everybody?

If that's the case, then even if he has to offend Xie Dao Ling, he must speak out for his disciple!

Xuanyuan Tianzun cleared his throat and asked: "What happened?"

Wu Xing Wen told the entire story from start to finish, adding some extra details.

'Unexpectedly convenient!'

An extremely strange thought formed in his mind.

After this, Shifu might permanent cut ties with Bai Hua Fairy…

"You're saying that, you received testimony from people of Spirit Beast sect and their spirit beasts, feeling that he's in the wrong?" Xuanyuan Tianzun's fighting spirit that he was gathering before suddenly stopped, a strange look showed on his face.

"Monk" Wang Li frowned and silently whispered to The Great Monk of Sorrow.


The Great Monk of Sorrow suddenly chanted Buddha, but stay silent.

His eyes first looked at Gu Qing Shan, then slowly at Wu Xing Wen.

No one other then Wang LI noticed how he was already silently making hand seals in his baggy monk robe.