End the War

"Let us move out, have the army begin the assault!" Venerable Xin ordered.

Hearing that, one Beast Saint waved the army commanding flag and shouted: "Advance!"

All the demon and beast soldiers roared in excitement. They moved so quickly it kicked up a torrent of dust, assaulting the human's army. At the same time, within humanity's own ranks. Countless spirit beast bags that were hung next to cultivators' waist suddenly blew up, as the spirit beasts inside jumped out and began attacking their master with reckless abandon.

Many human cultivators had already fallen from their own spirit beast's attack before the demons even reached. A few particularly strong spirit beasts took the chance to move towards the defensive formations set up around the camp, breaking them after two to three attacks. They moved from one place to another, breaking all the defensive formation plates to ensure that when the demon army comes, the humans would have already lost all means of protection within the camp.

Inside of humanity's camp, countless lights suddenly lit up flashing brightly in their eyes, then quickly dissipating into particles of light and disappeared. This was the scene of defensive formations breaking one after another. At this moment, it was only a few breaths until the demons broke into humanity's ranks and begin their bloody and merciless massacre.

Without the large-scale defensive formations, the demons would only need to press their attack at a single point to break apart humanity's ranks and pick them off. The demons and spirit beasts' attacks were perfectly coordinated. This campaign is already as good as won.

Venerable Xin joyfully declared: "Brothers, advance forward, feast on these humans, and the world shall belong to us beasts!"

The demons and demon beasts roared again to answer his declaration, then successfully broke apart humanity's ranks. The one-sided massacre had begun. Humanity's fate was sealed. Beasts will finally rule this world.

Venerable Xin clasped his hand behind his back, then ordered the ones behind: "You lot also move out, no need to have the little ones die too much"

"Yes" all the remaining Beast Saints replied.

Turning into afterimages, they quickly assaulted humanity's camp. Venerable Xin nodded in satisfaction. This was the proudest day of his life. When the Demon Lord returns, he'll surely be praised very highly. He could possibly even get to go with the Demon Lord during the next world invasion.

Apparently, conquering an entire world brings a lot of benefits. The next time he has the chance, he'll have to look into this mysterious phenomenon carefully. While he was thinking, a small problem seems to have erupted at the frontline. Venerable Xin glared intensely. No, that doesn't look like a small problem at all.

As the large-scale defensive formations all broke down, the demon army successfully entered humanity's ranks, but then something unexpected happened. A chilling, dull light emitted from inside humanity's camp. The light was as thin as a thread, but sharper than any knife. Within a single second, one split into two, two split into four, multiplying exponentially into countless blades of ice, attacking anything and everything inside humanity's camp.

In a single moment, humans and demons alike were shredded to pieces, raising agonizing screams of pain. The entire camp was covered in a white layer of frost mist. When the cold essence subsided, a bright red glow instantly followed, which also covered humanity's entire camp. The overflowing flame essence erupted like a torrent of magma, bathing all the spirit beasts, demons and even human cultivators in the scorching heat. And then came a brilliant yellow light that manifested as countless Swords and Blades, rampaging inside humanity's camp, slicing and dicing anything and everything without resistance as streams of blood rose all the way to the sky.

Suddenly, as the thunder roared and the wind of storm screamed, a literal meteor shower descended upon them as thousands of millions of creatures caught inside couldn't do a thing to stop it and died. Furthermore, dust was kicked up from all around as a tsunami of yellow sand rose up and struck the camp from all sides, burrowing the remaining bodies of flesh that were still in one piece into a grave of earthen spikes below, before quickly being covered with sand again.

Venerable Xin felt his heart went cold.

This was… humanity's large-scale attack formations! But the most unbelievable thing for both the Beast Saints and Venerable Xin was that, these large-scale formations doesn't attack the outside of humanity's camp like they always do. They were all directed inside humanity's camp instead!

The attack formations activated one after another, as the humans, demons and spirit beasts inside were killed so thoroughly that even the luckiest ones are the ones that managed to keep their bodies in large pieces. Humanity's attack formations were directed at themselves instead of their enemy, this was so unbelievable because it has never happened before. It was as if the humans had made the preparations to sacrifice themselves to kill the demons from the very start.

The few demons that were lucky to be outside humanity's camp before the formations activated were running away, but most of them had already died in the layered large-scale suicidal attack formations. The three Saints were successfully sent away, the demons held such an overwhelming advantage of number, together with the spirit beasts' betrayal, and yet humanity still managed to decisively mount the final resistance by giving up their own lives.

The amount of casualties for both demons and spirit beasts was devastating. Countless Tianma Enchantresses appeared from the bodies of dead spirit beasts, faces cold as ice and flew towards the Demon Palace temple on the other side of what used to be Demon Clouds River.

"Humanity, really were respectable…"

Venerable Xin sighed and could do nothing but accept the fact that a "sure-win" battle become a "barely won" one. Although most of humanity's elites have entered and died in that battle just now, there's definitely a few people remaining in the larger sects. Humanity's sects all have their own protection formation, so any future battles will be exceptionally hard. With so many subordinates dead, when the time comes for them to attack the sects, he might have to do it himself.

To break through those defensive formations or sects with thousands of years of tradition, even he will feel deathly exhausted. But there's no way around it now. Let's just quickly conclude this battle before thinking about whatever comes next. Together with Venerable Xin's sigh, the countless attacks formations also slowed down and stopped. Everything was over.

Suddenly, Venerable Xin's eyes opened wide.

He saw over a hundred thousand demon and spirit beast corpses in humanity's camp. But all the humans had disappeared. There's no active invisibility formations, no stragglers trying to run for their lives, no screams of despair as the human try to blow themselves up. Every single human cultivator, even their corpses, disappeared without a trace. They disappeared in the truest meaning of the word, there wasn't even a hair left.

"What's going on? Where are all the humans? Quickly look for them!"

Venerable Xin unconsciously shouted. He quickly flew towards the camp, searching for them together with the other Beast Saints. All the demons still alive just stared at each other on both sides of the battlefield, not knowing what to do. The lucky spirit beasts that were still alive fell down on the spot and breathed their last.

More and more Tianma Enchantresses let go of the spirit beast corpses and took to the sky. They seem to have noticed something and ignored helping the Beast Saint, only flying as fast as they could towards the Demon Palace temple.

As the Tianma Enchantresses flew, they were chanting: {Zhuo zhi zha zha luo zhuo zhi, lu he li, Mo He lu he li, A Luo, Zhe Luo, Duo Luo, Sha He}

A mystical light emits from the Demon Palace temple, manifesting itself into a transparent palace, accepting the Tianma Enchantresses inside. On humanity's camp, a thin layer of spirit residue was being blown away by the wind.

"This spirit residue…"

One Beast Saint suddenly realized something and muttered.

Venerable Xin grabbed this Beast Saint, shouting in frenzy: "What's wrong with this spirit residue? Quickly tell me, or I'll kill you!"

The Beast Saint was shocked and quickly spoke: "This spirit residue looks very much like spirit energy that's left behind after undoing a spell"

Venerable Xin let him go and shook his head: "No, it can't possibly be"

A spell…

Ridiculous, what kind of spell would enable almost a hundred thousand cultivators to instantly disappeared? In this world, there's no way humans actually have such a spell. Even if the four Saints were still here, they wouldn't be able to do something like that.

Venerable Xin forced himself to calm down and carefully thought about it.

The Great Monk of Sorrow is a Buddhist cultivator, even though they're experts in dealing with Tianma, such perfect hiding and presence concealment techniques aren't his expertise.

Xuanyuan Tianzun is an expert in talisman and 5-Elemental attack spells, but as far as he knows a talisman can't produce such an effect unknowingly.

Not to mention, Xuanyuan Tianzun had never shown to be capable of such a miraculous feat like this in the past few hundred years.

Bai Hua Fairy couldn't possibly have done it either, aside from her overwhelming Martial Thaumaturgies and her multitudes of attack spells, she only knows ———-

She only knows ——-

She ———

In the split second that he realized, his entire body shook uncontrollably and coughed up blood from rage.

"Xie Dao Ling!"

His eyes shed tears of blood, shouting in extreme unwillingness to accept the truth.

Above the thick clouds. A woman wearing a bright green feather coat silently hovered. The fierce wind that blows here all became breezes as they passed her by, making her sleeves lightly flutter in the wind, giving her a dreamy, mystical look. She wore a thin silk veil on her face, covering up her brilliant beauty, only showing a pair of crystal clear eyes that occasionally moved about like she was deeply contemplating something.

Next to her was a young lean man with black hair, sharp blue eyes and a dark black coat. He was smiling with amusement, seemingly waiting for something.

Suddenly, the woman and man seems to have felt something, as the woman's lips lifted upward into a smile, then the smile became brighter and brighter.

"Who would've thought, he's a schemer as much as he's a swordsman…"

While smiling, she shook her head and muttered.

From the look on her face, she still seemed to be in disbelief of what had happened. The Thaumaturgy [One Becomes Millions] was only ever used for her personal enjoyment. She couldn't believe it was able to be used for such an important matter as suggested by her disciple. And this matter was even directly connected to the life and death of humanity itself. Feeling the situation below, and since time was almost up, Bai Hua Fairy swung her sleeves forward.

Instantly, a red-faced Daoist and an old monk appeared.

"How is it? What do you think of my disciple's tactic?" Bai Hua Fairy lifted her chin and asked, full of pride.

The Great Monk of Sorrow deeply sighed, then replied: "Luring 8 Beast Saints away from this world, revealing and killed a couple ten thousand spirit beast, as well as over 100,000 demons without losing a single person on our side. This humble monk has not seen such a brilliant display of wits over my entire life"

"He is my junior brother after all." Wang Li said with some pride.

"A great tactician indeed" Xuanyuan Tianzun also praised him.

"If so, what about the matter with my disciple?" Xie Dao Ling glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzun, almost provoking him.

Xuanyuan Tianzun was stunned for a moment, then begrudgingly answered: "We'll talk about that when the battle is over"

Xie Dao Ling smiled and said nothing else. The four Saints released their inner sight at the same time, scanning the battlefield below.

"Let us begin" Wang Li said.

"It's indeed our turn now" Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded.

"Hm" Xie Dao Ling also agreed.

She was looking at a certain high ground. That place was much higher than the rest of the battlefield, easy to defend and difficult to attack, the designated area for the army's camp that the three of them had agreed on. She swung her long sleeves again.

Divine Skill, [Sleeves of Holding]

Cultivators appear in large amounts all over the high ground.

Having prepared for this, as soon as their legs touched the ground, they quickly went and arranged formations, distributed talismans and pills, forming attack formations, busy without a single moment of rest. Ding Yuan General Gong Sun Zhi and Ming Hui monk were also there, directing the cultivators to set up formations at the correct places.

But the last Ding Yuan General Wu Xing Wen was nowhere to be seen. In just a couple dozen seconds, multiple large-scale defensive formations had been raised, as the overflowing light they let out reached all the way towards the sky. And then a dozen more colorful glows appeared, blinking non stop, the attack formations were also being activated one after another.

This time, the direction they are attacking is the outside of the camp. The human army very quickly got ready for war. One Beast Saint moved up to test the water, activating a few dozens devastating attack formation traps. The multitudes of different colored lights hit his body as he roared in both pain and anger. But thanks to him holding up the human's camp, the remains of the demon's army was able to retreat without being killed.

As the Beast Saint endured the pain, but was unable to get any closer to the formations, it gave up enduring and wanted to retaliate with its full power. But when it lifted its head, it saw the four Saints of humanity was already closing in. The Beast Saint was so scared it gave up attacking altogether and turned to run back to the demon's army ranks. The four Saints didn't give chase, only exchanged glances before lowering the cloud and stood before humanity's high ground.

"Tsk, tsk, what a great bet indeed, Old Beast Xin, with your head, that probably took over a thousand years to come up with" Wang Li smirked and spoke immediately using his poison tongue.

Venerable Xin's eyes and mouth were spewing blood, glaring intensely at the four Saints, wanted to say something but was unable to speak at all. He lost all that preparation, as well as eight Beast Saints, but achieved nothing. At this moment, Venerable Xin was extremely miffed that he couldn't kill even one of the three humans standing there.

"Which one of you noticed?"

Finally, he couldn't help but ask.

"This saint's disciple did" Xie Dao Ling pridefully answered, then continued: "What does total defeat taste like? How about you just surrender right now, that way you lot can at least keep your lives"

"Amitabha, since you've already lost eight people, the rest here won't be able to pressure us at all" the Great Monk of Sorrow smiled as he spoke.

Wang Li merely raised his Earth Sword and said nothing more. Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't bother to say anything and just tapped his Inventory Bag to take out a Divine Talisman. 100,000 demons dead, all the spirit beasts dead, and there's only less then half the Beast Saints left. Whether it's the battlefield or the top-level battle, humanity is standing at an unbeatable position. Under such a situation, if the other side still doesn't know their place, then a battle they shall have.

Venerable Xin sighed, about to speak. Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of his chest. A slender, white, feminine arm had pierced through his chest. The hand was also holding a still-beating heart.

"Ah…ah…" Venerable Xin opened his eyes wide, then coughed up even more blood.

This scene stunned everyone. It happened so suddenly that neither the Beast Saints or the four Saints of humanity were able to react in time.

"Invisible Tianma Saint King, you… why…" Venerable Xin couldn't accept it, turned around and asked.

Behind him, a female wearing thin palace maid clothing coldly spoke: {Because you wasted such a good chance, and completely threw the Demon Lord's preparations for the past dozen years down the drain}

Saying so, she squeezed and crushed the heart.

{Such a fool like you doesn't deserve to lead the demon army, you don't even deserve to be the Demon Lord's follower} the female retracted her hand, then placed it on Venerable Xin's forehead.

"I've already done my best——–" Venerable Xin's eyes were boiling with rage.

{The price to pay for your failure is soul possession, become our Blood Slave for eternity, never to escape} the female spoke.

Then her hand lightly struck Venerable Xin's forehead. Venerable Xin's head exploded with a bang, red white blue green substance flew everywhere, then quickly dispersed. The headless corpse fell down, hit the ground with a 'thud' and stayed that way. A Saint Beast King, murdered without resistance so nonchalantly. After doing so, the female looked down at her body. Her body was slowly becoming transparent and incorporeal.

Invisible Tianma Saint King swung her hands behind her back. On the other side of Demon Clouds River, inside the Demon Palace temple, the sound of Tianma Enchantresses chanting became louder and louder.

In that moment, it sounded like over billions of female voices chanting at the same time:{Zhuo zhi zha luo zhuo zhi, lu he li, Mo He lu he li, A Luo, Zhe Luo, Duo Luo, Sha He}

Following this chant, Invisible Tianma Saint King's body became solid again.

She lightly laughed: {What a joy-kill, the fool ruined our preparations, even my time on this world has been reduced to much}

Staring at her, the four Saints all had strange looks on their faces.

They were looking at Invisible Tianma Saint King as if looking at a living miracle.

"Did you notice?" Xuanyuan Tianzun was the first to speak in a low voice.

"I did, her spirit energy wave feels stronger than mine, even though it isn't much. But she's definitely no longer only a Sainted realm" Xie Dao Ling evaluated Invisible Tianma Saint King from head to toe and softly replied.

"Amitabha, sure enough, there is another realm after Sainted" the Great Monk of Sorrow's eyes that are usually so calm showed clear excitement.

Suddenly a sword came out of the Invisible Tianma's shadow and cut her head off causing her body to be stunned by lightning and her body locked by Shadows, before another sword came from the 4 saint's side and cut her body into pieces, and finally at last an arrow was shot at her from afar, there by killing the Tianma's body and soul completely.

The 3 other Saints were stunned and before they realized the Wang Li next to them puffed into smoke and out of the Tianma's Shadow the real Wang Li came. Xuanyuan and Sorrow were stunned with shock at how someone at a realm higher then Sainted Realm died within seconds at the hands of a Sainted Realm within seconds.

Bai Hua Fairy was stunned at first before laughing with pride, "Hahaha, as expected of this Saint's disciple."

Xuanyuan and Sorrow could not help but think that Wang Li was an absolute monster. Wang Li just smiled before looking back at the Tianma's corpse and stated his most favorite line.


But nothing happened next, signifying it failed. Wang Li didn't give up and repeated.


It failed yet again but he had one last chance left so he still didn't give up.


After a few seconds a shadow suddenly rose from the shadow, forming a Tianma who knelt down to Wang Li. Wang Li felt its aura and smiled.

'Its really at Projection Realm. Great when we attack the new world, I can immediately Breakthrough to the next realm. With this Shadow guarding me I don't have to worry about those invaders interfering.'