chapter 10

(story of Shoko because one of my characters that I prefer the most rah I cried so much over this story and a little poll would you be ready to forgive Ishida like Shoko did or not)

(First time POV so indulgence please)

Shoko POV

I signed up for discovery from another school for 1 year because I thought it would change my air because even if Nishimiya-Kun tries to catch up with what made me when we were children because for me I don't deserve this pity because I prefer that people are happy around me that motivates me

In the beginning, you have to introduce yourself, I was very nervous because even if I couldn't hear people, I wanted everyone to be happy in my company.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna make it" when I thought it was my turn in which I took a deep breath and started to wave

But contrary to my expectations, I saw the girls laughing at me and the others puzzled or laughing I started to be afraid again because I didn't want the harassment to start again

And without noticing the tears we started to appear, I knew that I had finished and that it was going to start again however at this moment a boy protected me and silenced everyone then spoke to me in sign and to explain to the other my situation and when he looked at me I could only blush with embarrassment but I thank him from the bottom of my heart

For the first time in my life, I was happy to go to high school and without me knowing it my grandmother, my mother, and my sister saw it

And every time I left in a hurry I blushed because every time he looked at me smiling

But even though today was special because for once I wanted to make a selfish request and ask Naru to come on a date with me, I've never been so nervous in my life.

As soon as I arrived in class I was greeted by Naru's friends and I couldn't help but notice how popular he was I told him in sign language to come to the roof because I wanted to ask her something and her smile confirmed who was coming.

At the end of the class, I rushed to the roof, my heart was racing and I could only think of the moments when he was laughing.

At that moment the door opened and Naru came waving and saying

(the sign | will be for dialogues in sign language, thank you for your understanding)

Naru: | What did you want Shoko?|

Shoko: | Can you come with me on a date tomorrow! |

I said all this and bowed out for fear of rejection, but I couldn't help but have pessimistic thoughts.

When I looked up I could see Naru looking at me smiling and

said | Of course I will come, it will be with pleasure. |

I couldn't help but embarrass myself about it. After that I came home and kept dreaming about Naru, I just rolled over on my bed until I finally fell which made my sister rush and I had to pat her head to calm her down.

The next day I saw Naru waiting downstairs in the dining room chatting with my grandmother and when I took him by the arm to leave blushing in embarrassment I couldn't see the teasing smile of my grandmother and my mother

The date was amazing, we visited a museum, and an aquarium for the first time I love watching the fish that even according to Naru I had so many stars in my eyes I was excited and to finish our date we went to a fast food and I liked the burgers so much

Then Naru took me home and chatted with my grandmother for a while, then when I saw her from afar, I understood my feelings.

My grandmother let me in and asked me all the explanations but I couldn't it was too awkward and I rushed to my room and took my diary to write that day

"Phew, it took me a long time to write all that but I will keep a memory of this day," I thought while looking at my diary and especially the last page which is

"I fell.

(Long chapter because Shoko and one of my favorites and I hope I did a good POV I must say but also my dear readers tomorrow will be the beginning of the apocalypse and for the zombies. Guess what kind of zombie a hint: it is in a game. Thanks for reading this chapter ❤)