chapter 13

Arrived in the teachers' office we quickly cleaned the whole office then we ended up blowing because we had been under pure pressure for 30 minutes because of a mistake and it could have been finished.

Yukana: "What are you doing saya?"

Saya: "I turn on the TV to find out if it's all over the world or if it's just a matter of here"

And unsurprisingly, the news continued to talk about staying home and waiting for more information, but deep down everyone knew it was the end of humanity. I could see Utaha breaking down crying and shoko hugging me while hiding her tearful face on my chest.

Rei: "So it's really over, no help will come, will it" Rei asks turning to us with what little hope remains but seeing everyone avoiding her gaze, she could only lose a little hope

But seeing this unbridled vibe, I sighed and clapped my hands, causing everyone to look at me.

"Yes it's the end, we're going to look for the parents of the others but first we have to survive at all costs and get the idea that now it's pure survival and that for the moment the people in this room must be the only ones to trust even if it's hard to swallow shit only starts now"

Eriri who was hugging kohta while crying couldn't help but ask

"Why is this only the beginning?" and before i answered saeko who was just looking at me, then earlier she finally took her eyes off her and said

"Because the worst will be the humans"

And before there were any objections, I said

"Saeko is right unfortunately because now we are going to have to see the worst people because we could see rapists, canibals or worse every day"

Hearing that everyone was done stopping moping, I could only sigh and stare outside where it was already dark.

Wait till night falls and that's when I saw my mistake, I took too lightly and completely forgot Scarlet's warning and before I could say anything a shrill scream rang out all over town and that's where we were screwed because when Scarlet told me to be careful at night I had thought of a single game in which I had been scared for my life in which at night , although beneficial to players, was the worst fear and trouble began

Hearing this, everyone got scared and I could only say

"Everyone in the vice principal's office" seeing no one moving when I opened the door, I could only shout to wake them up "QUICK"

this made them wake up and they all rushed into the office

This office was special because it had no window coming from the outside and only had windows that were towards the teachers office seeing this I made him rush to squat under the windows and with takeshi to block the door with a closet even though I knew it was I won't hold them back

After that we waited until we heard the sound of a door breaking and the sounds of a sniffling beast.

Hearing this I could only hold my breath and I was not the only one, I saw takeshi and hisashi squatting in their arms, yukina, rei and ranko the same, kohta with eriri face on chest to try as little as possible to make the least as much noise as possible and next to me saeko who was standing on my right while remaining calm and shoko on my left trying to hold back her tears until we heard the window just break above us and there we saw the face of the zombie that scares me the most at night

the raptor

(photo of raptor)

The sniffling raptor was probably trying to find a presence, I could feel my back sweating with cold because I knew even though with saeko I had the chance to kill him but I knew he was going to warn the others and we would stand no chance survival

I was beginning to despair seeing the raptor slowly lower its face towards us but before that it straightened up and screamed then left and when no one said anything a Ding startled me and looked at the screen of the system in front of me who said

[Ding, Congratulations, you found out what game the zombie was talking about

Reward: Leadership Skill

system message: good luck, survivor]

Information came to mind on how to speak or how to make people listen better

(Indeed now you have to know where the zombies come from, they come from the game Dying Light, a game that made me jump more than once or in which I cursed my actions especially at night anyway thank you to have read ❤)