(Happy reading ❤)
When I arrived at the store, I saw Hisashi and Takeshi waiting to look at them then I came behind
"It's okay guys, go help others for food"
Seeing them accept I looked at the mother who was sexier but seeing the disheveled hair and the fact that their clothes were dirty I wondered who had to take the tests
"Hello, my name is Naru and I can refer to myself as the temporary boss as you call him"
"Hello, my name is Mamako Maresato and this is my daughter Alice Maresato, we are just asking for help"
Looking better, the mother looked like Mamako Oosuki, and I thought she was Alice but we met her earlier, and I thought that I should not take this world as HOTD but rather as real life
But while I was thinking, Mamako thought I was going to refuse and said "It's okay if you don't want us but just food for my daughter" Mamako said biting her lip in which blood was flowing which proves that she bit herself with force
"NO ONII-CHAN DON'T LEAVE US" Alice rushed to my leg crying and holding my leg with what little strength she has
"Sorry no" but before Mamako said anything I stopped her and crouched down to Alice's level and said "Of course, I'm not going to leave you I haven't reached this stage" by stroking her gently on the head
"Sniff its true Sniff you don't abandon us"
"Of course not and don't move let me wipe your face" after that I started cleaning it and as I was cleaning it I saw a smile appear on Alice's face
Seeing this action, Mamako sighed in relief and gazed fondly at the scene in front of her.
"Alice go see big sister Utaha and tell her what you want while I talk to your mom"
"Mmh" Alice nodded.
"Go take my hand, we'll see if we can find you stuffed animals"
"Onee-chan do you think we'll find a dog in a blanket"
"Hi, just look"
Then more and more as he went away I turned to Mamako, being surprised at Utaha's behavior, she would be a good mother
"Mamako I don't mind you coming you and your daughter but you know that given the outside I can't let people do anything and even if for the moment we have few fighters I will change that when we arrive in a base," I said with a sigh as I moved over to the counter where he had the cash register and standing with my arms crossed I looked at him and said
"You will surely have to go out sometimes but of course, I will train you before otherwise, it's pure suicide
"And Alice?" because for her it was her number one priority
"I'm not a freak for kicking her out, she'll probably do the chores or help out with stupid little things"
"As long as Alice is safe, I don't mind going out"
After that, I sometimes chatted with her about little things, and then Alice came running.
"Mom Looks at a Puppy"
"It's good Alice, don't lose it, you won't get another one"
"Mmh" seeing Alice nod made Mamako smile and give her some hope.
"Naru we're done"
Seeing Hishashi warning me, we started heading back to the bus with Alice and Mamako on board but I slowed down to stand next to Utaha to whisper to her.
"I didn't know the great Utaha had the heart of a mother"
This made him blush but said nothing and started walking faster to join Alice for a chat I just smiled then saw the sky and figured out who to stay with about 5 hours before the sunset
After everyone got to the bus, I made the biggest deal
"Okay, now everyone, we need a place where we can think for a while"
Seeing everyone in silence, I was just praying for Shizuka to show up and I hoped that wouldn't change luckily my prayers were answered
"Mmh I have a friend's house which is quite big, it almost looks like a mansion and it has a lot of bedrooms and especially a shower!" Shizuka said happily and upon hearing that the girls agreed to go "Okay Shizuka, take us to your friend's house"
"Yes let's go"
Seeing the girls start their discussion I patted the shoulders of the 3 guys to go to the bottom to let them talk then after they were settled I saw her laughing and smiling and it is in these moments that 'We must take advantage
(Thanks for reading and shortly I'll do a gory chapter to allow you to put yourself in the context in which Naru finds himself and show you that the zombies of the dying light are especially not to be underestimated )