chapter 26

(The next chapter will be a chapter with a plot start that I hope will make you think but I won't say more otherwise it's not funny also maybe you noticed it but I often alternate that and the I because like in the previous chapter I wanted to see Naru's actions in the 3rd person because for me it's not confusing but if you have trouble tell me I'll correct it and good reading)

I started walking up the stairs when I encountered three sleeping zombies which I quietly approached then swung my knife right at my head then finally reached the 1st-floor door I can see that we can access the roof and even if it can be something useless at least we know that there is an exit on the roof

I opened the door very slowly and then looked up I could see 5 walkers banging on a door I guess Takeshi and Hisashi had, and when I looked upstairs it was like a U because the door to the surveillance room is at the other end of the U in which it will be necessary to pass from what I see 10 walkers, 3 runners who patrol and especially a Goon

"How should I handle this, I won't be able to sneak in because the windows reflect the light and if I alert a single zombie it will be too much for me"

While I was thinking I saw on my side that there was a cleaning products store and there I had an idea

First of all, I visited the 2 stores including an electronic one in which there were 2 walkie-talkies in which the range was a few meters, I did not look at the whole store but there were good things used but before that the zombies

I did well because in the 3 stores there were 5 walkers and 1 runner then as soon as I finished cleaning the wing where I am I launched my plan

Do you see when we were little sometimes when our mother washed on the floor we sometimes fell and that's when I got the idea that walkers don't have a balance you can knock them over easily and runners don't just run to catch their prey then he will also slip the only problem is the goon this plan won't work but I don't care because a goon is easy to kill it's slow and you can easily dodge it the problem is the seismic repulsion that occurs when you hit his concrete weapon but I think I manage to dodge

So I put my plan in motion and I started to spread the product on the ground as soon as I have a good perimeter I take out my knife then I swing the crate where the product was on a walker

Which made him turn around and as soon as he saw me he started screaming and running after me but as I thought as soon as that happened he ended up slipping and didn't. don't wait who gets up direct hit on the head so I see the other 2 runners coming and already 3 fallen walkers and 1 dead because he fell head first and 1 dice runner did the same as the other runner and died and died the same way and that's where I was surprised because instead of the last runner coming he ended up jumping on the table and jumping straight at me thus avoiding my whole trap but that wasn't enough as a runner is easy to master so as it was the last one he died so I ended up killing all the walkers in a hurry as I heard the asshole coming so as soon as I was done with killing the last walker I saw the moron hit his concrete bar on the ground causing a slight tremor that knocked me down

But knife in hand and looking at his opponent I saw who was easy to get around so I ran towards him dodging his swing sliding on my knees and lowering my head then straightened up and came behind his back then I jumped off but then I was surprised because instead of having time to hold on to the asshole's back he ended up lifting me and swinging me straight up against the wall which threw me banged my head against the wall my vision was blurry and I couldn't get up and the jolt came and I keep telling my body to move

"Move, Move, MOVE" and before the Goon finally crashed into me with a rush of adrenalin, I ended up jumping straight into his back, but instead of jumping and trying to hold onto him, I jumped directly on his head and stabbed my knife in the direction of his head which made him move his body violently until his knees fell and then the rest of his body

"Holy shit"

I struggled to get up but doing the breathing exercise I was able to find one last burst of energy but then the window broke on the roof and a zombie had the same thing as a toad then I saw him wanting to spit his green thing at me and I covered myself in time but I couldn't move and

what little energy I had left was enough for a single assault as I tried ideas in my head I saw 2 people running it was Takeshi and Hisashi

(picture toad)

"Naru you are alive but what is that"


Takeshi seeing my alert and the fact that this zombie was trying to spit took Hisashi and got behind a shelter

"Naru do you have an idea?!"

"Yeah but you have to entertain"

"Very good" then the 2 looked at each other and nodded then each ran to 2 sides while dodging the toad's shots and when I saw who had lost their attention on me I rushed over and I jumped on 1 table and clung to where he landed then landed behind him and sprinting towards him I stabbed him directly in the head

Takeshi and Hisashi came to help me up

"It's good ?"

"Yeah, just die"

"It shows, come on, we're going to take shelter"

But as we were about to leave we heard hasty footsteps then 2 birds of prey coming out of the stairs and rushing at us but the sun being there they started to burn and so came back in the shade then they took us looked and started screaming then goes back to where he was

"Shit, it was raptors"

"Yeah, let me introduce you to some friends I found in the parking lot"

"You must have had a hard time, come on, let's go"

Hisashi took my arm to help me move and Takeshi watched just in case.

"Ah yes, we found 2 people in the surveillance room"

I frowned at that

"Hostile ?"

"Not yet but we were expecting you because they say we trust your judgment"

Then we got to the guard gate and we opened the door

(The next chapter will be about the story of the world I'm forging so I hope you enjoy it thanks for reading ❤)