chapter 28

(Happy reading ❤)

Hearing this Takashi, Hisashi and Bryan go from white faces to angry faces because if what Naru says is true then it means their friends and family may be dead because of this person or organization behind

Anna"How do you know the GRE is supposed to be confidential"

Naru "Ask me for steps but rather that if you don't want to join the zombies you will answer my questions, Understand?"

"Yes" Anna couldn't do anything, she regrets showing her ID, she thought she didn't get arrested and believed that if he had asked what is the GRE, she would have said as an excuse that it is the name of their firm

Then Naru forced Anna to sit in front and even Bryan who wanted to defend her was with his arms crossed and waited in silence

"Well now I repeat myself, you better not lie understood"

"Yes" Anna didn't want to lie because she was already always shy in life and above all doesn't want to die because she could see the boy who was serious and especially because she couldn't convince others to help her because she could see who trusted him

"Alright first of all I think the question everyone is asking is it you who created the virus?"

"No, finally it was not what the superiors wanted" but she refrained from saying something as if she was afraid

"I'll tell you if you're scared it's useless because your superiors have probably abandoned you because I don't think if you were important he would have let you go so you have to get used to the idea that now he doesn't care of you now tell us"

Knowing that Naru was right, Anna took a breath and confessed everything she knew.

"The GRE is a private company but we have never been in the international, no rather say that we have never been in the international with the name GRE, we buy more scientific center and hospital center under another name

The purpose of the GRE is to create vaccines because whenever there was a big disease, the companies able to create a vaccine first can earn billions if the disease spreads all over the world.

Therefore the 5 leaders of the GRE were very greedy because they were above all children of the richest families so they were greedy for wealth but the problem is that no major disease was discovered for 20 years and the leaders have got fed up and we decided on the worst thing

They had brought me and several other scientists together to create a variant of rabies and the spread would be much faster but we didn't want to, we weren't terrorists but when the chief scientist said that, we shot him directly and then we were forced to create a new virus in private laboratories while being closely monitored

After 5 years of hard work and we had finally created the virus but after that instead of being released, we were forced to create the vaccine now but above all, by giving the virus its leaders sold it to terrorist groups

We were responsible for millions of deaths but to alleviate our guilt, we all did our best to get the vaccine and we did it in record time and the leaders filled their pockets while we were finally quiet but still watching

However, what we don't know is that the virus mutated to the point that it absorbed the vaccine.

You must know that the vaccine was to produce more cells in record time to eliminate and as soon as the disease was eliminated, the vaccine will kill itself because we created it like the Ying and the Yang

But by absorbing the vaccine, the virus was able to produce infinite cells, making infected people mad to spread the disease and above all who can only die when the brain is destroyed.

The 5 leaders had brought together the greatest scientist including me but I was only someone of little importance so I had only one mission to come to this shopping center and spread the vaccine according to them. then recover but they lied and everyone changed" Anna started to cry but the faces of the others were of anger and frustration because of the greed of 5 people humanity is at the edge of extinction

"Is There a Cure"

"No, but I heard when I was leaving the EV topic but I don't know what I know"

"Did you have any idea where we can get information?"

"No, wait if our laboratory was taken over right after this meeting, maybe he has some info"

After that, I got up and the other 3 came with me

"Damn though we're in this situation because of 5 people"

"Yes, greed has always killed humans slowly

"What do we do now Naru"

"I'll rest first Takeshi you watch with Hisashi"

"And Bryan sorry but you will be watched because trust is necessary"

"Do not worry "

"Well I'll go and after dark, we'll go back to base and Takeshi here are the only 2 UV sticks, the 2 have a time of 2 hours each, and don't make noise to attract those birds of prey"

"Yes, okay, good night"

"Mmm good night"

(A lot of information, I admit it but I had to do this so you know how the virus was created, and thanks for reading ❤)