chapter 30

(Happy reading and don't forget if you have a comment)

I equipped my backpack and took my knife then I looked at everyone


Seeing everyone, I kept talking

"Well, first of all, I'm leading and you're listening because if multiple people start leading it's going to be a mess, so I'm leading, got it?"

"Yes!!!" Everyone said in unison then we walked out and my vision was blinded by the sun so I had to put my hand in front to block it waiting for my eyes to adjust and after 30 seconds it was better

"Well we're going to take a walk in the electronics store first, Takeshi in front with me, Anna even if I lent you a bat you stay in the middle, and Hisashi and Bryan behind and we move slowly and carefully"

Then we started our walk and we arrived at the electronics store, first we checked the whole store then

"Well Bryan and Takeshi are watching you ahead and the others with me are picking up anything useful"

Then everyone dispersed, I went to the communication area in which I found nine short and long-distance radios so I put them in my bag then after going around I returned to the entrance, Hisashi is to collect 3 computers for their components and Anna to collect similar phones for the components then we approached to go down and made a passage to go up in case or so as soon as we arrived we all crouched down to avoid to make some noise and we headed to the survival shop to pick up weapons and gear and this trip was a success we picked up 3 machetes, 2 ice axes, duct tape, ropes and tools like a lighter in the fire for example

Then we went out

"Ah finally some fresh air"

"Mmh I admit that it feels good to be outside

"Well, we will have 1 day and a half to reach our base and so we will have to find a base and it will be the pharmacy because it is on our way and we will be able to collect medicine"

Then after listening to the plan, we started running but we fell behind because Anna had never been trained like this and I knew since I took it that it was going to be a break for the moment but I took it because she was a scientist and knows the cells and the chemicals that could help us, in particular for the construction of UV sticks, essential thing because at the moment we did not need it but for the moment

Then instead of taking 10 hours to go to the pharmacy, we took 1 hour before nightfall

Then when everyone came in, I closed the window shutters and the door, and Anna collapsed.

"Uff Uff, I'm dead"

"We will have to get used to it because now it is everyday life"

"You will indeed have to go through an extreme training that will make you want to vomit"

"To this extend?!"

"Yes after all I develop your muscles and improve your endurance"

"OK I believe you"

"Bah, you have no choice" then the others laughed while Anna was in trouble

On our way we met 5 runners whom we killed effectively and especially during our trip I found a bow, super useful, good at first I struggled but after it was easy so my equipment was the fight at the knife, machete, and bow, good gear to start

The night had come and like when we were at the mall, we didn't make any noise but when it was just me, Bryan, and Takeshi watching, we started to hear a lot of noises from outside.

"What is that ?"

"Hush, let's see slowly"

We approached a window upstairs because yes the pharmacy was on the 1st floor then we saw a horde pass but above all, there were Goons, toads, runners but especially howlers

(image howler)

The problem with howlers as its name suggests is that it howls very very loudly as soon as you see an enemy, so at night when you come across a howler, a raptor and a runner will chase you until you die

Seeing that Takeshi was as white as a sheet

"How many are there?"

"I don't know but a hundred or more at least"

Then I closed the curtain and went back to sitting down then I spent the night quietly even if outside we could hear the zombies until daybreak

"Very good last step before arriving then we will train you"

Then we started to walk but I looked towards the direction the horde was going and if they followed their path they joined the bridge where there was the massacre and seeing that I could only frown before leaving and joining the others who were waiting for me

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing let's continue

Then no danger on the way apart from 2 runners who followed us but who we quickly eliminated, then after 3 hours non stop we finally arrived and I can say what has evolved well, barriers were continuously supplied with electricity which was connected to solar panels

"Is this your base?"

"Yeah, they did a good job"

Then we came back not a place the others left open for us and when we came back and as we were about to announce our presence we saw Saya coming down had paper covered in blood

"What happened?!"

"Naru it's you, we need your help Saeko was shot"

"What ?"

(End of chapter and thanks for reading ❤)