Chapter 8: Bloodline and Legacy

I stretched on my toes, my hands high above my head. I was exhausted. I looked at the comfortable faces of my children as they slept on the hospital bed. Zayne snuggled up against Serenity's unconscious body and Savvy slept next to Zyaire. Zach and I shared a bed. I couldn't believe we'd turned a private ward into our home. It wasn't just because the children were sick, but because we were practically homeless.

It'd been three days since Zyaire's surgery. I received a call from the landlord that while he went there to kick me out, some agents from one of the companies I borrowed money from came, and as a 'good' citizen, he gave them all my properties to sell even if it wouldn't cover half of the money I owed them. On top of that, we weren't allowed in that building anymore.

I wasn't the least worried about that. With the money I got from my private account, I could settle all the debts once Zyaire and Serenity are alright and there would still be enough money left to get a new apartment, send the kids to school, and maybe start a new business. That was if Rominic allowed me.

He hadn't returned since he left but I knew that man. Even if most of what I knew about him might be lies, I knew for certain that he was preparing to attack. If he hadn't left his secretary and bodyguards behind to imprison me, I would have thought he didn't acknowledge the children, but he left them behind and instructed her to place a tracker on me. Stacy was nice enough to tell me and didn't do as she was told, but that only made it clear. Rominic was preparing something and I already knew what that was.

I expected it but somewhere deep down, I'd hope he would turn a blind eye to the children and abandon them. I was a fool to think like that.

"I'm back!" Stacy announced joyfully, barging into the room. When she saw that the children were sleeping, she gasped and made an apologetic face. In three days, I'd already gotten to know her personality.

Stacy was a kind but blunt woman. She was bold, fearless and thought that she was obsessed with professionalism when in fact, she didn't give a fuck about it. She had a strong sense of loyalty and devotion towards those she admired. She's the kind that doesn't easily open up to people and sees them as ants, but once she likes a person, she puts him or her on a pedestal and offers that person her unwavering love, loyalty, and devotion. And the craziest thing is that she didn't know that about herself.

She wasn't much of a talker with people who weren't on her pedestal list and only spoke a few words to those on the list. But to those on her friendship list (like me), she was an open book. That was how I was able to get a grip on her personality so quickly. She had no romantic compassion for Rominic but he was on her pedestal list. It was annoying the way she spoke about his capability and incredible work standard, and how she jumped to defend him even before I could condemn him. Still, she was a good person.

"I brought breakfast, a lot of them. My little panda eats so much so I got him more food than yesterday," Zayne was also on that pedestal and the desire to win over the mother of the child she adored also helped increase her likeness towards me.

I glanced at Zach and I could instantly tell that he was awake. He was a light sleeper. Any sound woke him up. Serenity was also a light sleeper and Zayne was pretty decent with his sleeping habit. He wasn't a deep sleeper, but he wasn't that much of a light sleeper either.

"Thank you, Stacy," I assisted her in uploading the bags.

"Should we wake them up? I think they'll want to freshen up before the doctor arrives. Panda was pretty excited because Serenity would be waking up today,"

"Or tomorrow," I added, looking at Serenity. My precious sweetheart had been unconscious since she was placed on IMV. The doctor said it'd be easier to treat her if she was placed in a deep sleep. The fact that she was a light sleeper contributed to that decision.

"Oh, I met the doctor on the way and he gave me the remaining of my panda's drugs," I breathed out with relief. I'd been waiting for them since I paid. The preparation for my children's recovery was complete.

Zach sat up with a little puff and ran his fingers into his hair. "Good morning, Mom," he greeted hoarsely.

"Good morning, young master," Stacy greeted. Zach turned his head toward our direction and stared at her blankly. It wasn't because he hated her, he was like that with everyone. Zach wasn't a friendly child.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked to lighten the mood. He exhaled and nodded. "Okay, why don't you wash up so you can eat?"

"This bed might be better than my bed back at home but I hate hospitals. The smell of antiseptic is getting on my nerves. How long do I have to stay here? It sucks,"

"Just wait a couple of days, darling. If Serenity can wake up today or tomorrow, then we'll be free to leave next week, hopefully," I smiled at him. He groaned and fell back on the bed. What he was really upset about was the stuff that the landlord threw away. The only thing he had left was his laptop. He'd lost all the gadgets he created. Even if they were created from scraps, they were still something he worked hard on.

"I'm sorry, Zachary,"

"I've told you it's fine," he murmured. How did he expect me to believe that when he was making a face as sad as that? He propped up one of his legs and rested his elbow on it, then looked at me and smiled halfheartedly. "Mom, have I ever told you that you're gorgeous with your original hair and eye color?" He was trying to change the topic. He already saw what I looked like after I washed off the dye with Stacy's help.

Let's play along.

"I'm glad my eyes don't suit my name. Honestly, I don't know what my mother was thinking when she named me that,"

"Maybe it was her favorite color?"

"Favorite color, favorite flower, favorite scent, favorite everything! My mother was obsessed with lavender and she carried her obsession to me," I complained. Mom loved three colors the most, lavender, Bleu de France, and Ao (English), but since she couldn't call me either of the latter and lavender was her favorite, I was stuck with that name. Her factory was lavender, Ao (English), and white, with the logo a lavender-colored rose with a Bleu de France touch. Her bedroom and the whole house had either of the three colors, especially different shades of lavender or colors similar to it. I hate the color.

"What's your favorite color?" Stacy asked.

"Anything that isn't yellow, purple or orange,"

"You don't like orange colors?" I nodded. "My favorite colors are different shades of brown. What about you, Young Man?"

"I hate colors," that was a lie. Zach was a sucker for gold and white. I'm talking about a gold color that looks like actual gold. He just didn't like talking about it because he didn't have any gold items. I could never find his taste of gold in thrift stores.

Stacy laughed awkwardly. "I love red and amber," Zayne said softly. I jerked a bit because I didn't know he was awake. He sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes. The sight of it was adorable and Stacy cupped her mouth and squealed into it. I'm not sure if I shouldn't be worried about her.

After a few hours of fangirling, Stacy finally gave up and sat down next to me on the bench. We were outside the hospital building, in the field where sick people came for fresh air. Zach was grudgingly wheeling Zyaire around. The excited boy who almost died didn't have a care in the world. Zayne had fallen asleep on Savia's lap.

"They are lovely children," Stacy commented, her gaze focused on Zayne's face.

I chuckled. "They or him?"

"More of him but they,"

"You haven't seen Serenity with her eyes open and without the IMV. She's the female embodiment of angelic cuteness,"

Stacy nodded eagerly. "I've been waiting patiently. I can't wait to see another one," she giggled a bit. "How can your children be this cute? Even though they are malnourished, their charms are still high quality. Imagine if they are living a good life," she placed her cheek on her palm and looked at me expectantly.

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"You know you cannot escape, right?"

I returned my gaze to the children and nodded. "It's a given,"

"I know I don't have the right to interfere because I wasn't there when he was being a dick and I barely know you, but is it okay if I give you advice?" I nodded. "You can't escape him even if you try. I've known that man for years now, I know how much he has obsessed over you as a ghost so I know what he would do to the living version. He's not a bad man. He won't abuse you or try to control you, but he won't let you—"

"You're exaggerating. He will take his children no matter what. He doesn't need me. He detests me so why will he want me?" Stacy didn't say anything. "His family treasures their bloodlines. It's like a sacred tradition. I'm not afraid he won't love his children but I'm afraid of being separated from them. I don't want to be apart from them—"

"Believe me, Lavender. If it comes to choosing between you and the kids, I know who he will pick but let's leave that. I'm not here to advocate for that meathead. I'm speaking to you as a friend and active lover of Zayne. Why don't you use this opportunity to give your children the life they deserve?" I averted my eyes to her. She had a serious expression on her face and her eyes were filled with certainty.

"Keep talking,"

"These children are his only children, I can vouch for him. They are his heirs and heiresses. After everything you have been through, isn't it right to benefit from this—"

"My children aren't—"

"I know that. I'm not saying you should see your children as golden tools but I'm telling you that it's a natural order. You gave him three sons and two daughters, that's pretty much enough. From what I know, his family will never neglect a bloodline, especially an heir, let alone three. And you don't have to be afraid of leaving them. Since you were once his fianceé, what is the number four rule in the Verlice family law book?" She gave me a knowing look. I couldn't think about anything. What is the number four rule? I was pretty surprised the family had a law book, but I had to learn it too as his fianceé. The rules were pretty interesting and some were outrageous and cruel, but overall, they showed the family value.

Back then, I wished my father's family was like them. What were the rules I remember again?

1. Never neglect a bloodline: the life and well-being of a bloodline are more important than gold. Except if it's a case of betrayal and severe crimes, a Verlice must not abandon his or her external or internal family bloodline.

2. Always carry around the pride of a Verlice: Money, power, authority, dominance. Each comes with the name of Verlice and one must live up to that title. Never be intimidated, never fear and always know when to stand up.

3. All Verlice members must prove that they are worthy of this last name by their financial or intellectual achievement: if a member cannot provide his or her self-made millions before crossing into adulthood, they must at least have trophies detailing their achievement in talent or brain. If not, the unqualified member is not fit to use this last name.

4. Illegitimate children are forbidden.


"No, look at it from a positive angle," Stacy said with a bit of excitement. "According to the rules, you can never abandon an honest bloodline but illegitimate children are forbidden, so the only way to fix that is to make them legitimate. How do you think he's going to accomplish that?" The answer made me feel sick. A sense of joy and dread filled me. It was joyful because I wouldn't have to leave the children but dreadful because we'd have to tolerate each other. What if he already had another lover? How was I going to deal with being the other woman of my enemy?

I gritted my teeth. There was no other way. Rominic would definitely do it. That man was going to make me marry him whether by will or by force.