An old friend

Lavender's viewpoint

Save his ass, that's what I intended to do. It's not like I care about who wants to jump him, I just have to consider my children. Another woman in his life is a threat to their happiness and future. They just started loving him and then his attention shifts to another woman? No way, not happening. My children should come first, they deserve his first class love and attention since he was useless all these years. Now he finally wants to be useful, some bitch would come out of nowhere and try to claim him? Not on my watch.

Or you can just say you don't want another woman's hands on him because he's yours.

Dear subconscious, don't you have better things to do with your life?

Telling you the truth is what I choose to do with it.

Shut up. I don't want him, I don't care. I just don't want another woman around him so he won't fall in love, marry her and push my kids away. I won't let any evil woman live with my kids!