Did you miss me?

Lavender's viewpoint

I sighed for the umpteenth time, tossing again on my side of the bed. It wasn't because I was reckless, I was just very excited about the master plan Phineas and Rylee gave me. It was the perfect plan, the very, very, perfect plan. Rominic would murder people by the time the revenge is completed. Blood will flow and I'd be satisfied. I couldn't wait, I just couldn't wait. The anticipation of it was making it difficult for me to sleep. My mind kept giving me wonderful scenarios of how it would turn out and I accepted them with a wide grin.

Rominic sat at his own side of the bed, his fingers hitting the keyboards with speed, accuracy and grace. I knew I was starting to annoy him with my tossing and turning, but I couldn't help it. I needed to get all the energy out so I could sleep. His typing wasn't helping my ministry because it sounded like music in my ears and I wanted to dance so badly. My legs were starting to ache from me resisting the urge.