
Lavender's viewpoint

"Love is a bitch but what can you do when you are already trapped?" I dropped my legs and pressed my weight to my hands by placing them at my sides. "Lucky has loved you since forever and even if he does sleep around because you never agreed to be with him, and he's a man, he still loves you. I saw it in his eyes when he spoke about the girlfriend I would love to meet. A guy who can boast about a girl that doesn't even acknowledge his existence and openly declare his love for her. A man who has never given up on you, chose you among every other and forgave you when you slept with his brother to punish him for what he didn't do –which I know is you trying to get him to hate you– is worth every minute of your time and love. Even if you fear he would hurt you, you will know that there is possible chances that he might not. It is not wrong to fear, but being like me and letting fear stop you from something that beautiful is wrong."