
She entered the large and dusty building hoping to find the irresponsible driver, but once inside she realized that the place was much bigger than it looked from the outside. It looked more like a hotel.

She put aside her task of looking for the person for a few minutes and began to survey the surroundings around her; the place was quite large and from what she saw from the outside, it had at least three floors. She was too dirty as if he had been abandoned for years and according to his conclusion seeing that there were still furniture and decorations, it seemed that the place had suddenly closed. Perhaps due to debts or bad experiences.

-"It's weird"- she said to himself aloud as she kept looking at everything. It also seemed that some people had already tried to steal because of all the broken and scattered things there. -"Maybe I shouldn't stay here"- she spoke to himself when he felt a strong energy near her. And the truth is that red-haired girl was not a completely normal person. She has had, since she was very little, a very strong sixth sense that allows her to perceive things that not any human can, such as presences, knowing future or past events and the possibility of communicating with spirits. Maybe that's why she was encouraged to enter in the first place, but when she felt that strange energy she realized that she apparently made a mistake when entering.

And that was why she hurried to the exit, she needed to leave as soon as possible, something in her being told her so. But to her bad luck couldn't open the door.

-"Please!"- she yelled trying to open it, however, she couldn't. It was like it was locked shut. - "I can't stay!" - she despaired when she felt an energy again, only this time it was noticeable that it was something bad.

-"Help us"- she heard a whisper near her, but obviously no one was there. - "please"- the same voice.

-"who are you? What do you want?" she asked to the air.

-"Help us"- was what he heard again. Something inside her told her that she couldn't get out of there if she didn't pay attention to that voice.

-"Sometimes I hate this gift"- she complained, sighed surrendered and looked as much as possible with more attention.


She walked slowly and with a little fear every inch of the first floor. She read some papers that were scattered on the reception floor and there she confirmed what she suspected; That place used to be a hotel, but it closed about thirty years ago because of a horrible crime, although it was never fully known what happened. "The hotel manager stated that one night he left his place of work as he did every night and went to rest. He never expected what he would find the next morning at the "Sleepyhead hotel". Broken furniture everywhere, signs of violence , and a lot of blood everywhere. The police arrived quickly and thanks to them it was discovered that the people in the fourteen rooms were dead, but the truth about the events has not yet been discovered. "Why did they kill so many people?, why did it happen specifically in the hotel? Could it be that the manager of the place was to blame for something? Was it a reckoning? Were the murdered people guilty of something or were they innocent victims?" There are many doubts that until today, five years later, we have since it was certainly an unusual and worrying event." It was what she read in one of the many paragraphs of the newspaper that she found.

-"That's why you need my help, right?"- She spoke into the air with a little more calm and confidence.

-"please"- this voice again. She now understood that if she came to that place it was for a reason and not by chance.

- "I guess they won't let me out until I help them"- I had to do it, I had to help them discover the truth and so maybe they could finally rest since surely the souls of all those people were still hanging around the place in search of someone who would hear them and help to.

- "I only ask that if I help them they don't hurt me"- didn't know if there were evil spirits so it was better to prevent.