Support and decision

In the morning she recounted the "dream" to Dalla and they both came to the conclusion that it was possibly the souls of criminals who resented their way of dying. It was most likely and perhaps as they finish off the others, more will appear.

-"Is there anything you can do if that happens?"

-"Usually I help the spirits with unfinished business and then they can leave permanently, but I'm not willing to help those criminals".-

-"I see. So let's hope there is another way to keep them away".- Anastasia nodded and took her notebook to see who to quote this time.

-"I guess this time it will be...Melvin Patrick...Arthur Johnson and...Bryan Bishop".-

-"Who did they kill?"-

-"reviewing the information...Johnson murdered these two people".- She showed the photos of the lady in the fifth room; Betty Miller, and the old man in the thirteenth bedroom; Chris Myers. -"It seems that his strong point was killing older people".-