Max was supposed to stay at Celine’s house ever since Clara instructed him to, but her dad was not agreeable. So each. night, he would pretend to leave and stay at the hotel just so he could camp outside in his car to guard Celine. They had guards littered everywhere, but Max did not want to leave Celine’s safety in someone else’s hands. He trusted no one. In his mind, everyone can be bought, coerced, or convinced to abandon his post with the right amount of money and conviction.
But ever since the failed kidnapping attempt, Nathan finally relented and allowed him to stay over and occupy one of the rooms away from where Celine was sleeping. He still wanted Max out of his house, but the thing is, he was not there when they almost got kidnapped, so he was not really responsible. He vowed that even with Max sleeping near his daughter, nothing would happen between them.
He was still protective of Celine, and her supposed to be virtue he did not know she lost a long time ago.