0015 Compromise


Evie was amazed. Evely’s life was on the same level as those dramas she watched on the magic box— er television.

“That’s why dad did not want you to know…” Francis' voice choked. “If I could, I would do everything to change the past…”

Evie reached out and placed a finger against her father’s lips, silencing him.

“Legitimate or not— this doesn’t change the fact that I am your daughter and you are my father,” she said, making both her parents stare at her with teary eyes. “Besides, with you as my dad and Liz as my mom, who would dare look down on me?”

Evie puffed out her chest, looking very proud, making her parents laugh.

“Anyway, it’s better that I know the truth so that nobody could exploit me in the name of being a filial daughter,” she said, making the smiles on her parents’ faces fade.

“I will not let that woman hurt you again,” Francis promised, and Evie nodded.