0026 I Will Be Evely

Death— such an ominous word.

But Evie had long since accepted that she had indeed died. She died that day, and had been resurrected in Evely’s body, back into the time before her life derailed. For what purpose, she had no idea. She was not privy to heaven’s will, and could only accept her fate.

At least, for now.

“When I first came into consciousness, I was floating. I did not know if I was in the Elysium Field or in Tartarus…”

“What are those?”

“It’s what you humans call heaven and hell,” she answered, and she talked about inheriting Evely’s memories there. She also told him about the Gemini, and that she had already witnessed Evely’s previous tragic life in the mirror.

“When I really woke up, I was already in this body. The demon gate brought my soul to this world.”

Dr. Jensen’s eyes widened, remembering something important.

The police report!

“Then those kidnappers…”