0046 Fate & Karma


Lizbeth and Francis were both confused.

“Dad, mom, do you think that people who do evil things will have a bad ending?”

Both Liz and Francis were not religious people. Although they believed in the existence of God, they did not go to church. However, they were both believers of fate and karma. They had faith in the world giving back what one had given. If one did good things, then good things would happen to them. This was why even though the Hunts were one of the richest people in Altair, they remained humble, and were kind to their people.

“Of course, we do,” Francis answered softly and Evie smiled.

“Then you don’t have to worry about Sarah Knight anymore. Her just desserts would come. You don’t have to do anything,” she said.

But instead of being assured, her parents looked more concerned.

“Darling, is there anything else that we should know?” Liz asked.