0048 Black Bellied Master

The rumbling sound and the trembling of the earth persisted for minutes. The man who was playing with his phone while lounging on the cleopatra chaise in his room looked up and sighed. He craned his neck to look at the gloomy weather outside the window and dragged himself up.

Cloudy weather usually made him lazier than his usual lazy self. But he knew very well that the brooding weather outside was just an illusion. His green eyes could clearly see and he could clearly feel the suffocating energy assimilated in the air.

He smiled blandly and turned towards the doorway where another man quietly stood.

“What’s André doing?”

The tall man addressed straightened up before reporting.

“Young Master, the Master is sitting in his room. He just woke up,” Ralph answered politely.

“I see.”

Cedric nodded as he lapsed into contemplating silence. His cousin, André finally woke up from his coma. However, the patriarch still could not leave his room. Why?