0052 Altair City High School

“Uncle, stop the car,” Evie told the chauffeur when they were still a street away from the school.

“Darling, why did you ask John to stop?” Liz asked, and Evie smiled at her.

“Mom, I never took the car to school before. I want to walk from here,” she said.

Liz sighed, but she looked like she understood Evie’s wish. But she pouted and looked at her coquettishly.

“But you have to let mom pick you up later okay? Eli will be back with his grandparents later so we will pick you up together.”

Eli was Elijah, Liz and Francis’ five year old son, Evely’s little brother. An image of a pudgy five year old flashed in Evie’s mind, and her facial features and eyes softened.

“Alright,” she agreed to Liz’s suggestion before getting out of the car and waving them goodbye.