0055 The Cuckoo That Failed to Take The Magpie's Nest

“I’m not upset. I’m okay with my dad’s and the school’s arrangement.”

Kelly Frasier studied Evie for a while before nodding in approval.

“Good. You should keep your pass. Just show it to the guard when you’re not feeling well, and ask them to call anyone you need. You already have my number, so don’t hesitate to call or send a message when you need something.”

The last thing the school wanted was for another accident to happen. This, of course, was not only for the school’s prestige, but because it genuinely cared for its students. The pass was for Evely to be able to go out of the gate when she needed to go somewhere. But obviously, even if Kelly did not mention it, Evie should have a very good reason for leaving. If not, even with a pass, the guards wouldn’t let her out.