0075 Gin & Emi

What? Who died?

Puzzled, Evie watched as her father turned pale as he suddenly stood up in shock. He then turned his eyes towards the living room, and he rushed to open the television without telling them anything. He switched channels a few times before it stopped on breaking news.

“Around ten in the morning here in Altair, and four in the afternoon in Japan, Homura International’s CEO, Gin Kazehaya and his wife, Emi were on the way to the airport when the car they were riding suddenly exploded. The police have confirmed that there were no survivors in the accident. The couple was supposed to attend the International Business Conference to be held in Paris, France…”

The voice of the news anchor droned on as Francis stared at the television showing the accident, and his legs suddenly trembled, and he slumped slowly on the carpeted floor like jelly. He was obviously very much affected by the news.