0081 None Of Your Business

“Excuse me?”

The girl looked offended. Her expression was akin to someone who just got her shit thrown on her face, and it would have been funny if it were a joke. But the girl was seriously offended even though she was the one who was rude first.

“I said you’re an idiot,” Evie repeated without mincing her words.

The group looked shocked. It seemed nobody had ever told them that they were stupid before. But it was understandable considering the class they were from. But that was not the point.

“Are you talking about me?”

“Is there any other idiot here— ah my bad. You’re a group. Birds of a feather, flock together, and so you’re all probably stupid if you came looking for her with the same stupid reason,” Richard mocked.

“How dare you call us stupid?”

“But aren’t you? We’re quietly having our meal here and you came spouting nonsense disrupting us.”

“We’re not spouting nonsense!”