0089 Wilson Trent

“Hi! Is Kyle Simmons here? I’m his cousin. He said he will help us look around.”

Richard asked in a very friendly manner, and Wilson returned his smile.

“You’re Richard?” he asked back, and when the other nodded, he pointed at the seats next to the booth. “Kyle already told us about you the other day. Just sit there and wait a bit. He will be here in a while.”

“Thanks,” Richard said, and the three followed his invitation and sat on the plastic chairs on the side.

Wilson returned to his group and helped them attach photos of the different places the club members had been to.

Actually, Kyle, Richard’s cousin, was not a member of the hiking club. He’s a member of the urban exploration team. But since the number of people were not many, and the members of the hiker’s club weren’t a lot as well, their club and the Hikers’ Club shared a booth. It was such a coincidence, but a very good coincidence on their part.