
I was happy. Very happy and sad.

It must be because I didn't want my fears to come true. I definitely didn't want Liza to be caught in this mess and get tortured because of me. Tied to a chair, weak and helpless. She was receiving the worst side of what I was going through and in comparison, my situation was hardly anywhere as cold as hers. That is why I was feeling sad. That must be why I was feeling sad.

The way back from the darkness behind the walls was a complete blur. I don't remember anything after I saw what I saw and heard what I did. What's left after, is now, in the bed, under the covers, with the several safe alibis I placed before, undone.

Voices inside my head nagged and criticized me for not exploring more of the unknown as much as I could. They tried to drown this other silent yet persistent whisper that was bothered by Dimitri's actions. I simply refused to acknowledge it, but this itching feeling underneath my skin made me uncomfortably restless.