Episode 8
Shukashima POV
"You must live for what you believe in and believe in what you live for"
"Hi...am Shukashima... thanks for the help"I replied to Jason.
Jason was tall...fair skinned with dark curly hair and brown eyes.
"You are welcome...but I wasn't the person who shot them for you"Jason said.
I asked him who was the person then...just as I was finishing my sentence a girl walked in from the door behind Jason...she had long dark hair and brown eyes just like Jason's.
"Oh there she is...this is my sister Veronica...she was the person who shot them for you"Jason said as he placed his hand across veronica's shoulder.
"Hey...you should be more careful when you are out there...you could have been dead you know"Veronica said as she placed the pistols in her hand on the table.
"Thank you very much"I said to Veronica but she didn't reply... instead she took the bottle of whiskey on the table and started drinking..."don't mind her Shukashima,she can be a bit mean sometimes"Jason said and drew a chair closer to him and sat on it..."most people don't reach this area cause this is where most of the infected people are...so tell me...what brought you here?"Jason asked.
"I was sent here by a woman named ONE"I replied.
"ONE...that's a weird name...I don't think I have heard of her"Jason said and asked Veronica if she knows a ONE around here...Veronica said she doesn't know anyone by that name...
I was a bit confused...how can she know them but they don't know her....
"Well she sent me here to know some more about those things out there"I said to Jason...
"Well Veronica hardly lets me leave the shack... she's mostly the person who has encountered them more than me...so you will have to talk to her"Jason said,stood up and left the room...
I walked up to Veronica and asked her if she could tell me more about the things outside...she took a sip from the whiskey in her hand and laughed...
"Why would I tell you anything...you just Walk into our shack and start asking questions...you couldn't even handle two of those things out there"Veronica said..."I can't share anything with a whimp like you"she added and walked into the same room Jason went into.
I didn't get why she gave me such an attitude but I need to get that information quick...
I sat on a chair by the corner of the room...I thought about my friend Jones and the other kids I was with at the forest..."I hope they are all ok"I said and decided to rest my head a bit.
I woke up later that evening... checked the time on my watch...I only have 5 more hours till the day is over.
I tapped the red button on the watch and called ONE..."Yes Shukashima...what do you need?"ONE asked..."I don't need anything right now...I just wanted you to know that I have located the shack...I met two siblings by the name Veronica and Jason"I said to ONE..."good work...now your first assignment is to find out about their weaknesses...we need to know what can kill these things with one strike"ONE said...she told me to gather enough information before she could give me my next assignment.
I ended the call and went to the room where I last saw Jason and Veronica enter...Jason was lying on a small mattress and Veronica wasn't in the room with him...I was heading back to the previous room then I saw a door across the hall way was open,I went through the door and found a stair way...I went up the stairs and got to the roof of the shack... Veronica was sitting up there...
"I guess this is where you shot those things from"I said trying to get her attention...
She told me to back downstairs... saying she doesn't have time to talk to me..."c'mon girl...try loosen up a Little"I said to her..."please if you know anything about those things tell me...I need those information"I added...she got up and went back inside...I followed her still insisting she share any info about the influenza..."why do you wanna know about these things any way"she asked..."this might sound crazy..but...am not from this world...I was sent here by someone to get information about these things...and I won't be able to go back unless I get the information"I replied to Veronica...she laughed and told me that was the dumbest story she has heard.
" Tell you what...I'll be going out tomorrow to scavenge out some supplies for Jason and I...come along and I'll tell what I know"Veronica said...I agreed to come along,she walks back to the room Jason was in and shut the door.
I went back to where I was sitting to sleep again then Veronica called me and said I can sleep with them in the room..." We have an extra mattress...you can come sleep here with us"...I went in took the mattress and fell asleep.
The next morning... Veronica woke me up and told me we should head out now for the supplies...I checked my watch and the timer has started a new count down..."just six more days left"I said and got up from the bed and followed Veronica...we got to the door and Veronica handed me a pistol..."if you want to survive out here..you need to use one of these"she said telling me to be with it at all times.
We went outside and Veronica took me to the side of the house... there was a tarp that was help by a pile of brick... underneath the tarp was a black convertible..."woah...how can you have such a nice car in this type of place" I asked... Veronica laughed and told me she got it from her last supply hunt.
"So where are we going to get the supplies"I asked Veronica..."well before this pandemic happened...this city had alot of supermarkets...so we are going to drive around till we see one and get our supplies"she replied and started the car..."wait,won't you tell Jason you are going out"I asked...she told me that Jason knows.
We were driving down the road for a while...then we heard a noise..."I hope you know how to use that pistol cause we are gonna need it"Veronica said as she increased the speed of the car... suddenly we saw two influenza victims from behind us..."shoot em Shukashima"Veronica yelled as she was trying to avoid some boulders and cars on the road...I took out the gun and started shooting at the influenza victims....I shot one at it's leg and the other at it's chest...but it only made stop for a few seconds...they started chasing us again...we got to a curve just down the road and two other influenza victims jumped out on us from behind a car... Veronica quickly made a sharp curve and managed evade the attack..."take over the wheel...time to shoot these m****f****s back to hell"she said as she grabbed my gun and her's and started shooting at the influenza victims...I wondered how she was calm shooting at them...I mean yes they are monsters now but they were once human...I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't see a speed bump on the road and went for it with full speed...it drifted our car and sent us crashing towards a building by the side. _Devy...N