Episode 42

Episode 42

### Axel's POV

Upon opening the map, we realized that this establishment was gigantic. The plans looked complicated as hell but... anything to get outta here, right?

A thought kept niggling at my conscience. It was about when I asked One how to get out of here and she told me that "This is the way it must go.'

Now what on Earth does that even mean?

Staying here and getting killed for no just cause is the way it must go?! There is no way I'm going to do that.

I was so lost in thought that I did not even realize that Amanda and Kyle were calling me," Hey! Hey! Earth to Axel? Hellooo??" They waved their hands in front of my face and when I got back to reality, I apologized to them. "I'm sorry, I uh, blacked out-- zoned out for a couple seconds there."

"More like a minute bro", said Kyle.