Bonnie deflected the fire spat at her with her hand and blasted away a few more with her staff. “Is that all you got!” she yelled pointing her staff towards the creature. She stopped the creature from getting to her. Still with her staff pointed at the creature, she lifted the creature above the ground and suspended the creature in the air.
“Yes!” Ann joyfully yelled. “That’s my mistress,” she added.
With a snap of her fingers, she started rolling the creature in the air continuously. The rolling continued. Ann seems to be enjoying the fun her mistress is having. She kept clapping and yelling: “That’s how we do it in New Orleans baby!”
The excitement was suddenly interrupted by a multiple roaring from their behind. Ann swallowed a lump in her throat realizing the first creature isn’t alone but has some backup. Before she could lift a leg to run, another Oux picked her up. She yelled, cried, and writhed. “Put me down!” she cried the more.