Yei Yi and Tang Fang

"Ahhh! Why!? Why!?"

Yei Yi smashed another vase of flowers, the broken shreds flying everywhere before crashing onto the already littered floor. But her anger, resentment, and bitterness didn't abate, the raging inferno devouring her heart in a flood of hatred.

Yei Yi couldn't take it anymore.

With another shriek of enraged cry, she swept everything on her dressing table to the ground. The bottles of perfumes and nail polish smashed and shattered, the various fumes and fragrances mixing and drifting in the room, filling the air with their pungent scent.

Tired and drained, Yei Yi collapsed on her bed with tears swimming in her dark eyes.

Why!? Why in the world did Li Qing Yue always get everything?

Why did she always get the best of everything without even trying?

She was obviously better than the reticent Li Qing Yue in everything. She was more educated, more outgoing, more assertive, and a lot smarter.

So why did everything good always land in her hands?