Long Mansion 3

Long Tian turned to his wife with an incredulous expression on his face.

Astonished, he asked in a low whisper. "You've never been in a relationship before?"

In this time period, it was nothing sort of a miracle for a woman to have never been in a relationship.

Qing Yue blushed and lowered her head. She didn't expect to be placed on the judging panel the moment she took a step out of the hospital.

But feeling her husband's burning gaze, she hummed and hawed before replying in a thin whisper.

"I...didn't feel comfortable getting into a relationship before marriage. After all, no matter how amorous or wondrous they may be, relationships that are not bound in the sacred vows of marriage are nothing more than frivolous affairs. And I don't do love affairs."

Long Tian blinked, then a wide smile stretched across his lips.

She didn't do affairs.

At the thought, his heart softened and he felt a sense of peace and contentment settle over him.