Want To Enroll In A University 4

Long Tian was flabbergasted.

"Kidnapped!? Who dares to kidnap Li Chen's daughter?"

Qing Yue looked at him cynically. "Who doesn't want to kidnap Li Chen's daughter?"

Long Tian paused. He'd almost forgotten.

When the world turned bleak and the homeless became dirty and thin-bodied with hunger, their signature saying was 'kidnap Li Chen's daughter and you'll live the rest of your life in bliss'.

He just never expected such a matter to occur.

"After that kidnapping incident, Dad dropped me out of school. He hired professionally certified teachers and instructors from every subject. I learned everything I needed to learn, but all from home. From that day, I was homeschooled and never stepped foot in Long Junior High again." She sighed helplessly.

Qing Yue already had difficulty blending in with those of her age because of her previous life memories. When homeschooling was added to the mix, she got completely cut off from the rest of the world.