Chapter 2- Handsome Stranger

Why does it feel so cold in here? Oh... my clothes are slightly damp.

I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness surrounding me. Where the hell am I? As my eyes adjusted, I could see a faint light coming from just outside of a door.

I must be in a bedroom or something, because I'm definitely sitting on a bed, and this is definitely a blanket... maybe there's a light switch somewhere.

I wrapped the blanket around me like a cloak and wandered around in the dark room, trying to find a light... shit-

All of my memories had come back to me. I remembered what happened and who had saved me. But, where the fuck is all my stuff?!

I sat back down on the bed, trying to cope with everything that just flooded my brain... I have work... and I have to go grocery shopping.

*Knock, Knock*

"Wh-who is it?" I muttered, my voice high pitched and tired.

The door opened to reveal a tall, broad shouldered guy. I could see the silhouette of his muscles as the light I saw before illuminated his backside. He entered the room, and I shrank into the blanket.

"Are you doing ok?" He asked. His voice was clearly filled with concern. I was dumbfounded...

"I-I dunno... I don't know where I am- o-or how to get home-" I began to cry as I put my face into my hands. I was glad the lights were off, so he didn't have to see me like this. I don't like anyone seeing me like this-

"Hey, hey- it's alright... don't worry, I'll get you home. You remember what happened, right?" I nodded but remembered he couldn't see me, so I replied with a meek "yeah".

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that. It's 2am though, so you should try to get some sleep and then I can take you home in the morning, if that's alright." He explained.

Without thinking, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his torso in a hug. I buried my face in his chest and let out my sobs. "Thank you... thank you... you saved me." I cried.

To my surprise, he too, hugged me, and rubbed my back. It left a tingling sensation along my spine. It felt like somebody loved me...

"It's ok.... Shhh. I know..." He replied softly. He dipped his hand below my chin and lifted my face up to meet his. We could barely see each other, but as he wiped my tears away with his thumb, butterflies began to fill my stomach.

I was definitely too tired for this. Still, nonetheless, I leaned into his touch like a dog to its master. I don't remember much else after that.

I don't think I've ever slept this good before. It's so warm in here, but it feels great. This blanket is amazing...

I ran my hands up and down the blanket and admired its softness. It was rather solid, but it was smooth and warm and felt nice against my skin. I pulled it closer to me and sighed.

"Good morning sleepy head." A deep, smooth voice mumbled into my ear. It shot shivers down my spine, making me jump.

When I realized what I was doing, (unfortunately) I let go and screamed. "I'm so sorry! Oh my god- I-I'm so sorry!" Tears began to well up in my eyes.

"It's alright, I promise. Guess I must've fallen asleep here last night. I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable in any way." He chuckled and apologized.

"Why are you apologizing? You weren't the one being a creep by snuggling into a man you don't even know the name of!" I shut my mouth after that and went red in the face.

He chuckled again and looked into my eyes with a grin. "The name's Liam. Liam Navarro." He said smoothly. It was as if he had practiced saying it one hundred times over.

My eyes were cast downward now. I didn't want him to see my clear embarrassment.

"I-I'm Caspian. I'm sorry if I was being weird... I didn't mean it. That's no way to thank the person who saved my life." I turned red again, cringing at what I said. I probably could've worded that better.

"Nice to officially meet you then, Caspian. And it's no problem at all. I didn't mind." He smirked, never looking away from me.

"Well thank you again. I really appreciate your kindness and hospitality. I should probably be going now. I don't want to busy you longer than needed..."

Liam stood up for a moment and stretched. "Wait here for a second."

I waited as he told me, curious as to what he was doing.

He reentered the room with my work bag, my glasses, and the things I had taken out of my pockets last night.

"Oh my god, thank you so much! You have no idea how important that stuff is!" I jumped up and hugged him again without thinking.

"Ah- sorry! I didn't mean-"

Before I could finish, I was pulled in again by Liam. "It's alright... I don't mind. I know it's been an emotional experience for you." He rubbed my back softly.

As we let go, he handed me my things and smiled. "Ready to head out?" He asked as he threw on a jacket.

I was too distracted by his large muscles bulging out from underneath the jacket's fabric. "Huh? O-Oh- yes. Sorry." I looked down again and followed him out of the room.

As we walked by, I couldn't help but notice the mess that took over the living area and kitchen. He had a pretty big house. "Don't mind the mess. My roommates are... kind of wild." He laughed almost nervously. I chuckled in turn.

"Lets's...take the car today." He said slowly, as if still making the decision. He grabbed his keys and opened the door for me, allowing me to go first into what seemed to be a garage. Just like the other rooms, it was a mess. Tools, trash and random stuff were all over the place.

Liam gave me a small smile. "Let's get in the car before you have to see any more of my embarrassing mess." He chuckled. "It's not so bad." I joked with a giggle.

We both got into his car (which was really nice) and finally headed off after I told him my address. The ride was quiet and a bit awkward. The only noise was the faint sound of the radio playing some overrated pop song.

"You can change it if you want." Liam finally spoke.

"Oh- it's ok. Thanks though." I politely declined. I didn't want to seem like I was making myself too comfortable.

There was another brief silence.

"We're here. This is really where you live?" Liam asked. "Sorry- that sounded insensitive. Just... will you be alright here?" He asked.

I gave him a soft smile and nodded. "I'll be fine. Thank you for bringing me back. I really appreciate it." I said, genuinely thankful for Liam and his actions.

"It's no problem at all. Here- take this." He handed me a small, folded up piece of paper. "Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything." He said with a smile.

I felt my face get hot. "Th-thanks!" I sounded way too over excited. He probably thinks I'm weird and just feels bad for me.

We said our goodbyes and Liam drive off in his black Camaro. Strangely, I'm going to miss him.

I sighed and walked into my complex, taking the stairs up to my room. Immediately, I threw my stuff down, took off my shirt, and plopped onto my bed.

I should really call back my client. I was supposed to meet him today around 11, but I slept way past that. It's already 2! Christ... I really need to get my life together.

I sat up, and leaned over to pull out a small box hidden underneath my bed. I pulled out a carton of cigarettes and took one out. I rarely smoke, but I've had a long and hard 24 hours. I need this.

I dug out my lighter and headed out to the tiny balcony connected to my room. As I inhaled the nicotine, my brain began to settle down a bit.

I watched traffic go by as I thought about life. How I want more... how I'm stuck in this hell hole of a complex... I need a better job.

Taking my phone out, I dialed my client's number. He's a scary one. Goes by "Raymond". I'm aware it's not his real name... I do work for a lot of shady people unfortunately.

When you live in the place I do, it's the only business you can get sometimes. People like Mrs. Pratsky are a rarity in my case. I just do what I have to in order to scrape by with the little money I make.

It was, in a weird way nice to almost be killed by a psycho biker dude just to be rescued by a strong, handsome, funny, caring, sweet...

Oh my god I need to stop. Wake up, Caspian. This is real life... he probably just feels bad for you.