Seon-min glanced at the laptop in front of him that displayed a Word Document that had the first chapter of his new book written. The name of the first chapter was, “My Brother’s Name Is Lu Xue Feng”
Despite it being decently written to him, he still sighed in frustration before he highlighted the entire 1700 words and deleted the chapter he spent a good two hours writing.
Though he now considered it two hours of his time wasted trying to write a new book.
“Ugh, what’s the fucking point? I’m too dumb to start writing a book anyway, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
I said as I angrily slammed my laptop shut, but the sound it made when closing caused me to visibly wince. I wanted to check if it was okay but I’m supposed to be angry at the moment and I didn’t want to look like an idiot by showing that I regretted my decision.
Though that was a stupid reason since I was a single male deep in debt, who was currently living alone in this single bedroom apartment.
Trying not to think about my current life situation, I decided to get some fresh air, but after putting on my coat and opening the door to leave, I saw several muscular men dressed in black suits standing in front of me.
My face immediately went pale, before I quickly tried to slam the door shut, however, one of the bulky men dressed in black was able to place his foot between the door and stop me from closing it.
My somewhat weak arms from my lack of exercise were now unable to prevent the door from being pushed open by them, and I could only watch as the four or five men dressed in black entered my small apartment.
Behind them, a typical middle-aged Korean man, who was dressed in luxurious clothes and had hair that looked to have been covered in too much blonde dye, appeared and slowly walked towards me.
Slowly backing away my voice stammered out, “Mr. St...Stain, wha..what are you doing here?”
Hearing the question, the man I called Mr. Stain slowly took off his sunglasses and glared at me while saying, “Do you think I want to be here in this dump of a place?”
Mr. Stain glance around in disgust at my dust fill and garbage pile apartment before he continued and said, “If it wasn’t because of your two months late payment of the 300 million Won debt you owe I wouldn’t even think to come here.”
Hearing the amount, my eyes widened in shock before I blurted out in panic, “What?! Wasn’t the amount 100 million Won?! How did it triple all of a sudden?!!”
Mr. Stain brushed off his expensive coat with a small red handkerchief before he said, “Haven’t you heard of interest boy? You haven’t made a payment in two months so in the next three days if you don’t pay me by then it’ll become 600 million Won. Look you're a young kid trying to live on your own, how old are you? 18? 19? Since that’s the case I came here to warn you so you should be grateful.”
After saying that he snapped his fingers at two of his bodyguards before he said, “However, as a bit of encouragement for you to pay back your debt, I’ll have my men give you a pat on the back.”
Hearing Mr. Stain's words, and seeing the two intimidating bodyguards approaching me I began to panic and back away, but because of the small apartment, my back soon touch the wall.
The first burly man approached me and lifted his sledgehammer-like fist to give me an “encouraging pat”.
“Wa-wait can’t we just talk about this?! I have the money to pay you back you don’t have to do this!”
I suddenly cried out in an attempt not to get beaten, since paying the hospital bill would be a waste of my parent's money, and plus there is that woman I refuse to see. But even after hearing my cry Mr. Stain just held the handkerchief over his nose and turned around to walk out the room.
Seeing this, I step forward and stretched out my hand in an attempt to call back Mr. Stain to tell him I have the money in my bank account, but the burly bodyguard blocked my path and sent his fist towards my face.
This caused my unique senses to kick in, and in my vision, the bodyguard's fist was moving in slow motion. Within a split second my senses had heightened, bringing back that familiar feeling to me where adrenaline was pumping in my bloodstream and my brain working overdrive to analyze everything. In this state, I could see all the bodyguard's weakness, his inexperience in fighting, and the countless ways I could dodge his attack and knock him out in one streak to his lower jaw.
However, as soon I instinctively twisted my body to dodge the man’s fist, an unbearable pain surged through my right leg that cause my body to instantly freeze. This allowed the bodyguard’s fist to connect to my face, and I could hear a soft crunching noise, followed by pain coming from my now broken nose.
My head was also knocked back by the force and banged against the wall behind me. Blood immediately started to flow from my broken nose, while my vision suddenly swam with dark spots.
Another fist connected to my abdomen from a different bodyguard, causing me to double over on my knees.
Thud after thud, the bodyguards took turns to kick me like I’m some soccer ball, all while I tried covering my head with my hands.
Sun-Hi, a South Korean single mother of two had just used her personal key card to enter the apartment, only to then be rudely knocked aside by Mr. Stain and his bodyguards.
Almost having the grocery bags she was holding knocked out of her hands, Sun-Hi gave the group of thugs a disgruntled glare.
After being satisfied with her full 14-second stare-down and watching them drive away in a fancy car in the parking lot, Sun-Hi once again used her key card and entered the building.
Before long, she reached her apartment number 23 ready to open it, however, the room across from her caught her attention as the front door was wide open.
She knew the owner of this room to be Vincenzo Seon-min. She remembered his name not because he was her neighbor since she had hardly ever seen him since he came here a year ago, but because of the oddity of his family name.
Thinking about those men she bumped into before, she got suspicious, and being the kind person she is, she placed her grocery bags in front of her door before walking over to Seon-min’s room.
Knocking as she enter, Sun-Hi called out, “Hello, anyone here? I’m your neighbor Sun-Hi, I just wanted to let you know your door was wide open… Hello?”
After getting no response, she walked further into the room. She had to skip over several heaps of trash and junk on the floor that were strangely placed into organized piles. Sun-Hi even gagged a bit at seeing a moldy and smelly slice of pizza sitting in its box, which was on top of a dozen more pizza boxes neatly placed together in a corner of the room.
This made Sun-Hi instantly regret coming into this god-awful place. Covering her nose, she turned to leave but she heard the faintest sound of a person moaning in pain.
“Hello? Seon-min is that you?”
Even though she was not on a first name bases with him, she found the surname difficult to pronounce so she stuck to just calling him by his given name, despite it being a bit rude.
While calling out, Sun-Hi slowly followed the sound of moaning and grunting to the bedroom of the apartment.
Reaching the door, she slowly opened it and poked her head inside.
“Hello, Seon-m…”
Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes landed on a savagely beaten and bruised Seon-min on the floor.
He was barely conscious and was writhing in pain.
Seeing this, Sun-Hi became shocked as she quickly open the door and rushed to Seon-min’s side.
“Oh my god, Seon-min what happen to you?!”
Looking at Seon-min’s swollen face and busted lips, Sun-Hi immediately thought of calling an ambulance as she took out her phone.
Since she was a nurse she had the number of a few paramedics in her hospital.
Finish typing in the number, she was ready to press call, but Seon-min’s hand clumsily held onto her phone. He then croaked out, “N-no… hos-pital…”
Because of his shattered windpipe, Seon-min could barely speak, but Sun-Hi had managed to understand what he was trying to say.
Staring at Seon-min with worry and anger, she said, “What are you crazy?! You need to go to a hospital right now, from the looks of your bleeding head you might have suffered from a concussion!”
After saying that, Sun-Hi gently pry her phone out of Seon-min’s weak grip and press the call button before putting the phone to her ears.
Seon-min began protesting, but after saying the words, “N-no don’t she’ll fin-d me-…”, he suddenly felt light-headed and his vision went dark.
The only thing he heard before going unconscious was Sun-Hi’s frantic voice speaking on her phone, as well as a weird enthusiastic robot-like voice.
Seon-min couldn’t make out this robot-like voice clearly but he did hear certain words, and even in his state he couldn’t help but think who the fuck would say yes.
The words he heard were, “Congratulations! Host… unlocked… Divine God System! For the Host to unlock this absolutely amazing system, the Host must agree to die and reincarnate! Will Host accept these conditions?”
Seon-min thought as his mind fully faded into unconsciousness.
This caused him to miss the next words utter by the overly excited robot voice.
“That’s too bad! Host has missed the opportunity to be reincarnated on the Star Bound Continent, in a world of Qi Cultivation! System will now look for another host, enjoy your boring first life!! Ding!”
Question to all who are reading this.
Would you have said yes in this situation?
And be realistic with your answer.
Book that I plan to write in the near future: My System Forced Me To Reincarnate, Now I’m Overpowered In A Cultivation World.
Look forward to that, and also if you haven’t already I have two more books called, The Founder Of Qi Cultivation Reincarnates, and The Wu Clan’s Rise: Legends of the twin dragons. And yes they are technically in the same multiverse as this book. Check them out to see how they link up with this one.
See ya!! ~waves gb~