Chapter 1 - New life

In a dark place Ariel suddenly felt his consciousness return. Unfortunately when he opened his eyes, all he could see was black and the only thing he could feel was that he was surrounded by something warm while also hearing something like a drum beating in the background. But he didn't even pay attention to where he was, the only thing his mind was thinking about, was why was he not dead. 'Didn't I die or is this the after life?' He thought.

Well no one could answer his question so the only thing he could do was listen to the soft drum beats while waiting and hoping that something happens, which would explain what actually happened.

After an unknown amount of time he felt the walls around him trying to push him out somewhere and with no control of his body he wasn't able to resist. All he could do was to stay calm and let it do what it wanted to.

Soon he was blinded by a bright light, together with the uncomfortable feeling that was like having thousands of needles prick you skin, was not the most pleasant moment of his life. Before he had time to think about it he heard a woman's voice. "It's a boy my lord"

Ariel of course was confused but soon he felt his body being lifted up and in his sight he saw a pretty young girl with brown hair and eyes. At that moment he didn't understand two things, first one was, why was the girl so giant that she could lift him and the second one was, why was she in a maid outfit?

He felt like this scenario was very familiar to him, but he wasn't able to put a finger on it. Right at that time he was turned to face a different side where saw a middle aged man with a handsome face, green eyes and blond hair, furthermore he felt like the man had a very trained body from the way his clothes puffed out.

Yet the expression on his face seemed to be that of disappointment. Ariel still didn't understand what was happening, until another woman's voice was heard in the room. "Please give me my child." As soon as the voice rang out, the girl in a maid outfit quickly went near the bed where only now did he notice laid a beautiful woman with blond hair and blues eyes different from the middle aged man's. Her beauty couldn't be hidden, even by the sweat on her body and her scattered hair.

As soon as Ariel was handed to her, she embraced him with a smile on her face. Instantly his mind cleared up and he remembered why this felt so familiar. It was like one of those eastern novels about reincarnation he has read before.

That would mean that the middle aged man and this beautiful woman were his parents while he was a baby, it would explain why everyone was so big. The only questions left in his mind were how, did he get reincarnated and where is this place? The first question was impossible to answer, but the second one was worth looking into.

As soon as Ariel came to that conclusion he heard his new mother's words. "He is so cute, but it is a shame that he won't be able to become strong." She said that in a sad tone. "Yes." After saying that single word his father turned around and started walking to the door. Before he left he turned around once more. "Have some rest." He said before leaving.

His father seemed to be a cold man at first glance, but maybe he is able to show his care only to people important to him.

After his father left, his mother turned to face once more. She smiled and opened her mouth. "You must be hungry come here." She gently drew him closer into her embrace and let him feed on her milk. After eating Arial felt fatigue washing over him and soon he went to the land of dreams.


After a couple of weeks he has gotten used to his new life, his new name was Ariel Whitestone. He didn't know if it was a coincidence or fate that he had the same name, but it didn't matter to him. In the past few weeks he found out some more interesting information. At first he had concluded two options, first one was that he was reincarnated in some old, country side place on earth where technology level was extremely low, second one was that he was reincarnated into a whole new world that was similar to medieval times on earth.

Soon enough his questions were answered, when two maids who were cleaning his room spoke about a monster attack in some village. Monsters weren't something that existed on earth, so the only conclusion left is that he was on a different world.

That wasn't the only thing that caught his attention. One time a maid in his room lit a candle by just pointing a finger at it and shooting out a small flame. It didn't take genius to understand what that was. Magic, Something almost every person dreamed of experiencing on earth, but those dreams only stayed dreams for them. Yet now Ariel has a chance to witness actual magic which made him feel a sense of excitement for the unknown.

Besides the maids, the only people that were ever in his room were his mother, who would always come to feed him or play with him. She would tell stories and legends to me about all kind of things that would make any fantasy fan drool. The second one was a middle aged butler with black hair and eye's, he wasn't handsome but had a good body build and a reliable feel to him.

The butler was always in charge of looking after him and attending to his needs. He seems to be one of his mother's personal servants. And he was glad to have him. He seems strong and Ariel found out that he was part of some kind of noble family. From the last life he knew that influential people are usually the ones in most danger.

While spending the days in his room he came to know his mother's and butler's names. His mother's name was Julie Whitestone while the butler only had the first name Derek. One of the story's he was told by his mother was actually about Derek's past. He seems to have used to be an elite assassin who, under misfortunate circumstances, ended up captured by bandits and made into a slave.

Those very same bandits attacked his mother's carriage while she was traveling to the capital and after the bandits were slaughtered by her guards they found Derek chained up in their hideout. When he was asked about his origins he answered without pause not hiding any of his secrets. Ariel's mother wanted to release him, but he told her that he wanted to stay a slave and serve her as gratitude for saving his life. She didn't see a problem with it so she let him serve her, and that is how he stayed with her for almost 10 years.

Now it looks like his ownership was transferred to Arial. Anyways, besides listening to these people he didn't do very much else, since he wasn't even able to do anything with this weak, baby body.

And so time slowly passed.