Let's get married

It was already past eight in the evening when Loraine and Damian's parted ways with Loraine's stepmother. The man insisted to drive for her which she can't refuse as the elder one was looking at them. Faking a smile, she got inside the car and got followed by Damian shortly after. 

The car ride was silent, but the moment that they were a couple of miles away from the restaurant they started to argue. The loud horns of other cars along with them on the street did not win over Loraine's voice they got higher in range as she speak. 

"What the hell was that for?" She asked Damian whose eyes were glued to the road. Her eyes raged in both confusion and irritation as she felt like Damian was deciding what she had to do to escape away from the complicated situation that she brought into her life. 

"Why?" Damian's voice came out rather calming, completely relax. "Don't you want to marry me?"